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  1. Hello! I'm trying to use this function to make a lightning strike on the given coordinates. How I assume this works is the vector3 pointer given in the parameters will be used to put the coordinate value into the vector3 variable the pointer points to. But when I then print out that vector3 value to check, I get 0 in the Y component. X and Z components are not 0. Any ideas why? Thanks Edit: I realized that the Z coordinate returned is actually the Y coordinate. So I just decided to use arthur's current Z coordinate as the Z component for the lastweapimpact vector3 lol.
  2. Hi, new modder following Mooshe's video tutorial to make lightning tomahawk. Not sure how to call this function to get the coords as in the video he uses older scripthookdotnet api with outputargument. Why does it return bool?
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