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    United States
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  1. Having the same issue as previous commenters. I create an outfit from my available clothes, I then open the mod menu and try to save, the box pops up to name it, regardless of what's typed in there it doesn't save. When I then check saved outfits I only see the examples. There's nothing i'm aware of that I need to change any differently, it just doesn't seem to be working as intended. Any help appreciated, thanks
  2. Question about using the trainer, i'm looking to create a gamesave for myself wherein I have collected all the animal pelts required for the upgraded satchels and acquiring a few trinkets/guns at the start of Chapter 2. If I use the teleport feature, give money and spawn peds, will this then mess my gamesave up if I intend to use these and save the game? Saw a few comments saying to turn off autosave, but is it advised to not use the trainer with an actual save? Any advice appreciated, thanks.
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