Oh my god, I thought you ment ScriptHook, until I remembered, you dont really need it, the SDK was RagePluginHook2.dll
I only found this out, because I looked at a modding folder I made where a "SDK" folder with the "RPH2" dll was there.
why? i need to see gameplay to decide if i want to buy it, i don't wanna pay $5 and find out nothing works
There is SOME gameplay. Just search(youtube) RDRFR and filter after upload-date.
IF theire where in, in making a XBOX ONE/PS4 version the dev,s of RAGE Plugin Hook also must create a version for consoles.
And ScriptHook also must bring out a version for consoles.
So... nope, proberly not going to happen.
I played RDR2 and i wondered myself "Why can't i surrender while having a shootout?"
So a short mod wish:
When you aim at a lawmen you can chose to surrender.