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Everything posted by HughJanus

  1. Yes, OpenIV is basically a file explorer for files of Rockstar Games games^^ Until now, they have not made it compatible with RDR 2 yet, unfortunately 😕 I dont know when the new version will come out, but they have been working on it since RDR 2 released on PC afaik.
  2. So I took an hour for some testing and tweaked the values a bit. I deleted some values from the ini (but you can still add them if you know how theyre called and they will overwrite the default settings) and attached the release candidate to this post. Please dont play around in the ini at first and just try it as it is (I used your suggested values and tweaked them a little bit). This would be my suggestion for a 1.2 release. Concerning the fire animation - I havent yet tried to find out the animation hashes, but I could give that a try. As for the slight pushes when in dying mode - I think thats a good idea, if it works as you expect it to. But I will have a hard time fiddling around with the values so the push is not noticeable but hard enough to actually trigger some behavior. Lets put that on our list for 1.3. We should really start making a list^^ What I had in mind for 1.3: chance of surviving bleedout (so not everyone will bleed out eventually) finding out some animation hashes (i saw some animations where NPC are holding their arm while walking and stuff - would like to find out how to do that, but currently dont have any idea how^^) special behavior when shot in both legs (dont know which behavior yet, maybe force pushing consistently but very weakly so it looks like stumbling/limping?) disarming NPCs when shot in the hand (lawmen are almost un-disarmable) PedDamOv_1.2rc.zip
  3. I already searched for a possibility in the native functions, but didnt find one. We might need OpenIV to do it.
  4. Thanks for your great work! Thanks to you this mod is progressing much faster than it usually would. I just stood up early before work to check if I can quickly fix something. Concerning bleeding: I now check if the health is below 5 and if so, I set it to 0 (maybe it got a negative value which bugged it out when bleeding more health than was left)? Concerning running threshold: I made it so the ini value is divided by 10, so you can now be more precise (-> if you set the ini to 29, the runningthreshold in the script will be 2.9). Concerning pushing: there are two booleans in the method I use (which indicate if the force and direction should be relative or not) - I added them to the ini, so you can try them out (they can be set to 0 or 1). Actually I could make it so that when an NPC is shot in both legs, it wont be able to move, but it would take me some time (I currently only check the last damaged bone, and if its any leg bone, they get the stumble-status - i will have to add booleans for each leg and fill them to have something to check for). Or maybe you would want them to instantly stumble when both legs are damaged? If you come up with a stumbling value which you want to be set when both legs are hurt, we could do that too (so it would be visible that theyre trying to walk, but they cant^^). PedDamOv_Beta_v3.zip
  5. Weird, it seems to be working for @Doktor VS. Have you tried setting it to 100? Do you have any other mods installed?
  6. I'll add the y and z value as well in the config (only for you to test, i will remove all the pushing values for the release version). Edit: removed the bleedingwhenshot-stuff, fixed the bleedingwhendying (hopefully^^) and added config values for the forcepush. zip is attached. Hope this serves you well 🙂 PedDamOv_Beta_v2.zip
  7. OK, I will see if I can get those changes (bleeding stuff) done tonight. As for the force push, I have an x, an y and a z value. Currently the x value is the one you can set and the y value is -40 by default, so it pulls the ped down (and z is 0). The x is relative, so it should be the direction in which the ped is facing (at least I thought it did during my tests before v1.0). I think x is like pulling the NPC on a string by its chest (90° from the chest), y would be pulling the NPC on the head upwards and z to the sides. At least thats what I thought it did when I tested with higher values.
  8. Hey @fitfondue, I couldnt debug the bleeding value in the short time I have right now, so I implemented a different logic (based on chance) and put the values into the ini. Attached you can find the new beta (ini is filled with arbitrary values for testing) - the following values are new: ;BleedingChanceShot is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (= every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the KnockbackThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) BleedingChanceShot=9 ;BleedingChanceDying is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (= every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the DyingThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) BleedingChanceDying=40 ;BleedingValue is the value of health an NPC loses when bleeding is applied (= one of the bleeding chances kicks in) BleedingValue=10 ;RunningThreshold is the velocity of the NPC - if the NPC runs faster than this velocity, the stumble chance kicks in (stumbling can happen) RunningThreshold=3 ;StumbleForcePush is the force with which stumbling occurs (stumbling is basically setting the NPC to ragdoll and pushing it lightly to make it fall over - this value represents the force of the push) StumbleForcePush=180 ;PLayerHealth is the health value you want Arthur to have (if its set to 0, this feature is deactivated and Arthurs health remains untouched) PlayerHealth=0 The chance values are calculated every millisecond (just like stumblechance), so I wouldnt go to high on them (or set bleedingvalue lower, so NPCs dont lose so much health). Maybe you have time sooner than me to test a bit. I would be extremely thankful for that! PedDamOv_Beta.zip
  9. Ah, so you can slow down or speed up a certain task, I guess. Thanks for the insight!
  10. Hm, I guess you would have to find a method to remove a clothing item and then get the hash of the holster.
  11. Thanks for testing! The knockout bleeding is intended to work this way, so the NPCs dont bleed out as fast as when dying. The bleedout value working this weird way, however, is not intended. I will have to debug that. I will also try tweaking the speed and force of pushing on the weekend. If we get these current things nailed, I guess we could release a v1.2 of the mod 🙂
  12. I think I have fixed the stumbling. It should only occur now when they are running with a certain speed. I have also implemented bleeding timers. Try the attached .asi file and add the following to your config: ;BleedWhenDying can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously lose health when under the DyingThreshold BleedWhenDying=1 ;BleedWhenShot can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously lose health when under the KnockbackThreshold BleedWhenShot=1 ;BleedingValue is the value of health an NPC loses per script iteration (= every ~millisecond) when bleeding is enabled - the value 0.0000005 is multiplied with the BleedingValue and then deducted from an NPCs health BleedingValue=43 This is only a beta (sort of) and not really tested yet. But I tried adding a believable bleedout timer and a fix for stumbling (by checking for the running speed). PedDamageOverhaul.asi Edit: Forgot to mention -> if the thing with the stumbling works, we have now figured out the running speed threshold. So we can now check, if under this threshold, the NPC is standing or walking slowly, then we could push a little harder to make it fall^^ Unfortunately I dont have that much time under the week and wont be able to use the whole weekend (only sunday is free this week). I hope I can get something done then. Thanks for your help! I like how this mod is becoming a collaboration 😄
  13. Sounds plausible. Thanks for doing the research! I guess we have to wait for OpenIV to release to know the name or ID of this state (so I can do an if/else clause and circumvent the prolonging of this state). I dont have any other idea on how to solve this problem at this moment, since I cant check if the NPC is in this special ragdoll state. What I could check is if the NPC is hit in the torso or the arms, but then I would have to know the difference between an NPC which will try to stabilize itself and the rest. One thing that might help identifying which NPC is stabilizing is this method: IS_PED_WEAPON_READY_TO_SHOOT IS_PED_SHOOTING But then NPCs who are currently shooting or wanting to shoot cant be knocked back (at least not by shots in arms or torso) :/ The cleanest way to do this would be to check if the NPC is currently in the stabilizing mode and if so, not apply the ragdoll prolonging. But currently we wont be able to do that :/
  14. Cant you choose to wear an off hand holster in the wardrobe section of the camp menu?
  15. Nothing changes. I tried to fill it with (ENTITY, 0.1f, 0, 1) and (ENTITY, 0.1f, 0, 0), but maybe I have to insert the hash of an animation (which I dont have)?
  16. I have already tried making them "disarm-able", but unfortunately there is no native function which lets them drop their weapon, I can just let them disappear completely. Disappearing weapons were kind of an immersion killer, so I cut that feature out (that was before the v1.0 release). As for the "weird" reactions of lawmen - yes, it has to do with my code. It happens when they should get knocked down or enter the dying mode. Lawmen seem to move more slowly during gunfights, which makes setting them to ragdoll a dice roll (if they move quick enough, it looks acceptable, if not, they look like being shocked). I tried to force push them when ragdolling NPCs, so that behavior didnt occur - but unfortunately it made the transition from not ragdoll to ragdoll look even more weird, so I removed that. Currently I have managed to implement bleed out timers and am once again trying to polish things a bit (but it is really hard).
  17. I used this reshade: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/188
  18. Hey Doktor, I tried once again (using a different logic) and also added an ini file (so you can alter the value yourself, if it works). Please give it a try 🙂 SetPlayerHealth.zip Edit: Alternatively we could try setting the damage modifier for NPCs lower, if you want?
  19. @fitfondue In this script, almost all the stuff that happens is checked every millisecond. What the knockback chance does is resetting the ragdoll timer -> when you shoot an NPC for example in the leg, the game sets the NPC to ragdoll for a certain amount of time (vanilla behavior), what the mod does is it checks the NPC if it is under the knockback threshold - if so, if the randomizer (computes a number between 0 an 99) results in a number below the knockback chance (you set in the ini), the ragdoll timer is reset (= the NPC stays on the ground longer than vanilla intended). If you now set this chance to 100, the NPC will be knocked down infinitely. You will have to figure out a number which serves you well during gameplay (the number I came up with (13%) gave pretty good results for my taste). The dying threshold doesnt have a randomizer applied. It just checks if the NPC is below the threshold and if so, sets the NPC to ragdoll automatically and then leaves it there indefinitely. The "problem" with the head is that if you dont destroy the brain, the game wont kill the NPC instantly. If you shoot the head somewhere where you dont hit the brain, it "only" causes a lot of damage (which kills the NPC in vanilla, but not with this mod, since the health value is higher). I quite like that behavior, because in reality humans can also survive headshots if nothing major is damaged. I didnt tweak anything concerning the stumbling (wouldnt know how to make it more polished). But you can grab the source code of this mod from this site and try around yourself (I commented everything, so you should be able to understand what I did quite quickly):
  20. I thought I could set the animation rate in general with this method (make the NPC move slower or faster).
  21. @k1ngj3w this is actually something I am currently working on (bleed out timer) 🙂 I have yet to work out which values I put in the ini and how I am going to set them correctly (NPCs are bleeding out too fast at the moment). I am glad that you are enjoying this mod 🙂
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