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Everything posted by HughJanus

  1. In v1.42 of Ped Damage Overhaul, you can alter the accuracy in the ini. It will be released this weekend. Edit: And NPC and player weapon damage can be adjusted already in Ped Damage Overhaul. Edit 2: v1.42 released already 🙂
  2. My solution currently looks as follows: Hash pedweaphash; Vector3 vec = ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds[i], PED::GET_PED_BONE_INDEX(peds[i], 11300)); WEAPON::GET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON(peds[i], &pedweaphash, false, 0, false); WEAPON::SET_PED_DROPS_INVENTORY_WEAPON(peds[i], pedweaphash, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, 30); So I first get the position of the right hand, then I get the current ped weapon and then I drop the current weapon out of the peds inventory at the position of the right hand. The drawbacks of this method is that weapons dropped this way appear partly invisible and they are also marked with a "weapon pickup" symbol on the radar. In GTA 5 there is this native (which only needs a ped parameter and then makes the ped drop the current weapon - no drawbacks): void SET_PED_DROPS_WEAPON(Ped ped) // 0x6B7513D9966FBEC0 0x3D3329FA Has anyone found this one in RDR 2 yet?
  3. @Cuddlecreeper8 Yes, that is the plan :) @iiZoark We looked into that, back when it was first suggested but couldnt find the natives to pull that off, unfortunately. @Carlos69Santana We have heard that from our nexus-uploader. We fixed it in v1.42 which will be released this weekend.
  4. I am currently trying some new stuff and have added a bunch of code. Sometimes the scripthook crashes and only says that my asi has crashed. Is there a way to write the error into a file (with some information like the line in which it occurred or the method)? In java you can print the stack trace into a file, but I am not savvy enough in C++ to do so. I have tried a try/catch on the main method and using cout or ofstream to write the exception (exception.what()) into an existing file, but it didnt work. Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. @Cuddlecreeper8 Thanks for reporting. Have played with this a little but havent come up with a solution, unfortunately. I wrote it down and maybe I can find something when going through the whole mod again (when OpenIV releases a new version).
  6. You mean only in photo mode you could see the gun in full, or did you see it ingame too?
  7. @steeljacket488 I dont think the script influences the getting up behavior. I am pretty sure thats vanilla behavior. As for the random fights, I wouldnt know how to do that since I didnt find a native functions which makes an NPC push another or attack another. If we had that, we could implement a very low chance for every NPC to randomly attack another NPC. So if you happen to find a native which allows us to do that, we could add that option to the ini.
  8. Attached you can find the current testing version. We quickly applied the suggested solution and made a build. It was not tested yet, keep that in mind. Also the ini is not a releaseable ini, since its the one we use for testing (invincibility enabled, for example). Would be cool if you could check if your fist fighting problem has been solved by the new code 🙂 PedDamageOverhaul.asi PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  9. Currently the mod does not check how an NPC has got under a dying threshold. So if you punch them until they are weak enough, they will stay down indefinitely. If you kill them, thats the same of course :P You could try modifying the melee damage in the ini - maybe you can get a value where you just knock them out and not kill them. Other than that, we could implement a check which only lets NPCs go into dying state if they have been hit by certain weapons (like with the bleeding) - this would fix knocked out NPCs going into dying state.
  10. It may be that their health is under one of the dying thresholds, so they wont get back up. Do they move on the ground or moan?
  11. Currently not, since those things need animations. There are limping animations, but we dont know their names yet. We have to wait for OpenIV to "unhash" all the animation names, so we can start working with them.
  12. OpenIV currently supports viewing some of the files (a lot of files are still hashed, so you cant read the animation names, for example). You would need to edit the game files that cause the bleeding and set them so the bleeding occurs everytime - or at least know how the bleeding is triggered to make use of it in a script. Maybe someone can do it with the current version of OpenIV - I unfortunately cant^^
  13. we released the new features as a pre-version (v1.41 instead of 1.5), so people dont have to wait for what is tested and finished. Hope you have fun 🙂
  14. Unfortunately no. Not at the moment at least. We will need to access the game files for that and OpenIV (a program which can enable us to do that) currently does not support editing game files. @steeljacket488@mache82: see attached files. You have to alter the ini value CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 0 to CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 1 PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  15. You have to go into the ini and search for "CoreDepletion = 0" and make it "CoreDepletion = 1". The current settings make you lose 5% of your cores every 5 minutes, but you can change that in the ini.
  16. If you could post a link to the save editor you used and maybe a list of codes to add the pelts (or however you add the pelts), your post would be even more helpful to OP 🙂
  17. Oh, you want them to visually bleed - thats not possible at the moment (at least not with this mod). We have that on our agenda. It should be possible already with the natives we found in the database. Edit: I have attached our current testing build. You can enable and configure the depletion of the cores in the ini. Be aware that some ini settings are turned on or off for testing (e.g. invincibility is turned on). PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  18. How did you test it? The code works like this: if the NPCs health is under the knockbackthreshold and above the dyingthreshold, there is the chance of BleedingChanceShot that BleedingValue is deducted from that NPCs health. So to properly test it you should set the BleedingValue extremely high, so bleeding will instantly kill an NPC. It should work, though. We tested the feature.
  19. Can you save the legend of the east outfit after you gave it to yourself with the mod? (so you dont need the mod next time you start the game)
  20. Enable the ini value BleedWhenShot by setting it to 1. You can edit the chance of bleeding with the value below. The number of deducted health points is taken from the BleedingValue parameter.
  21. There is the outfit changer mod, have you tried this one?
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