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Everything posted by HughJanus

  1. I think I fixed both the issues with the bleeding (NPCs not bleeing out when in weird poses) and with the looping sound (finally^^). This is a release candidate for v1.57, please try it out. Edit: Fixed a bug I just found and reuploaded. PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  2. @IIrish Thanks for the tip - maybe it has to do with the head being above the threshold. I will check it out on the weekend. @Atet I honestly dont know. I havent researched anything in this field yet. The invincibility is always on in the testing inis, so you dont have to die a thousand deaths to test things out 🙂 @Gman2022 Someone mentioned that this happens when SpineShotsParalyze is turned on. I thought I fixed that, but will have to check again. I suppose you have that turned on? @ChristianW. There is. Create an empty file called ScriptHookRDR.dev (or however the ScriptHook files are named, just with the ending .dev). Then you should be able to unload/load all the scripts with Ctrl+R ingame.
  3. @IIrish by "stuck in dying states" you mean those peds who wont die? How often does that occur? @CyberOps Could it be that you have other mods, trainers or hooks installed? @Larsieman1988 Thanks for the input, this may solve some peoples problems!
  4. @Qaones Our nexus uploader made an ini file which only enables the longer burning. You could use that and just increase enemy damage and decrease NPC health. @IIrish Here is a new version - I added the navy revolver to the weapons list, so it should now also be affected. Also I removed one of the tasks just for testing's sake - please report if this has fixed the problem. PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  5. @IIrish Its definitely not intended. The problem most probably has to do with the exception for NPCs who are bleeding out visually. Since we cant really tell which NPCs are bleeding out, we have narrowed down the tasks NPCs execute. If one of three tasks is executed by an NPC, it is saved from the bleedout feature - this is so they can run around bleeding. This does not work for all the bleeding NPCs, but for enough for it to feel balanced. Yet, from time to time there seem to be NPCs also executing one or more of those three tasks which dont seem to be bleeding. I think these are the NPCs you see. Until now we havent been able to come up with a solution, unfortunately. We are open to suggestions, of course :)
  6. @Qaones Hm, too bad. May I ask what your hardware specs are? Here is a new beta including some minor changes behind the curtains. PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  7. @IIrish I think @yuar23 is correct. I checked the nexus page of the mentioned mod and there is an open bug tracker ticket which describes exactly the same problem you reported. @Qaones Try setting ModEffectRange to 50 in the ini and check if it helps.
  8. @IIrish Could not reproduce it, but may have found the line of code causing the problem. Should be fixed in this version. @rizzle45 You have to lower DyingStateAimReaction if you want them to talk less when aimed at. Here is the new beta. Please try and post feedback. PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  9. @foxy9911 Thanks for the feedback! @ChickenCatcher Its the testing ini, you can tweak it as you like. @ChristianW. The bleeding thing is a tricky one, because we dont know what tasks cause it, so its a game of chance. The only way to make them run for longer is to increase the NPC health, unfortunately. You can still tweak the running speed for stumbling.
  10. Thank you for providing this platform!
  11. Any updates on the matter? I am currently looking into Red4Ext (something like RPH, I suppose), but it is not that user-friendly. I just wanted to know if it is smart to work myself into that one or if its smarter just waiting for a month or two (because you guys already started working on your version).
  12. Hey guys, new testing version attached. The majority of the euphoria tweaking was done by @AnymYo, so props to him! Please provide us some feedback on this build, if you have time. @ChristianW. this build might also fix your issue with NPC health. PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  13. So those with a health of 800 were not burning nor have they burned? The 400 is a mystery to me. Might have to check the code for this value.
  14. Does this happen during normal gameplay, a fight or are you playing around with the trainer? The value 800 is assigned to NPCs who are supposed to survive the burning, while they are on fire (so they dont die). After the burning stops, their health is reset to the normal value. All the other values (400, 155) dont ring any bells.
  15. You need to alter the one with 260. This is the threshold for how low the head bone must go (the second one is the upper cap, so the head bone has to be between the two).
  16. OK, I just wanted to be sure you dont mean the visual bleeding. BleedWhenDying sets in when the NPC has entered the DyingStates (= animations and sounds are played depending on NPCs health, player behavior and chance). The NPC only enters the DyingStates if it is low enough to the ground (HeadValue or something like that - thats the name of the ini value governing this threshold of height).
  17. @Wicker During un-modded gameplay I would not eat that often and had the problem of Arthur losing weight. This problem I dont have anymore since now Im forced to eat. Getting overweight is probably a matter of the core draining interval (configurable via the ini file) - as it is set now in the default overhaul ini, I have not had any problems with Arthur gaining weight. @ChristianW. What exactly do you mean by "bleeding"?
  18. I know they are called Bob Crawford Jr. and Sr., but I cant seem to find matching ped models. Does anyone know which models are used for them?
  19. I wrote the problem down and we will test it in the next releases testing phase. Concerning the throwing force, there is nothing you can alter at the moment.
  20. @AnymYo Thanks for the input. Some of your suggestions are already part of the mod, others will not have the effect you would wish for, I fear. Let me explain how things currently work, so we can have a little discussion about what to do: General The mod constantly iterates through all the NPCs loaded by the game. For each NPC a whole lot of checks and actions are applied. Each NPC has a flag for activated DyingStates and one for activated EuphoriaStumbling (EuphoriaStumbling only applies to those with DyingStates enabled). The percentage chances (DyingStateChance, DSEuphoriaStumbleChance) is the percentage for each NPC to get flagged (when first appearing in the game - the flag is then permanent for this NPC). Specific ("dying mode" = DyingStates) NPCs can be in normal task mode (they walk, talk, do whatever) or in ragdoll. Unfortunately there is no way of checking if an NPC is currently using euphoria behavior - no matter if an NPC is "just" a ragdoll or currently euphoria ragdolling, the game always returns "true" if you ask if the NPC is in ragdoll. This is the main problem, because you are not able to find out whether an NPC is still reacting to something or already ragdolling completely. So here is the current solution for this problem: If an NPC has its health below the DyingMovementThreshold and is in ragdoll for the first time since crossing the threshold, the NPC is flagged ("is in DS ragdoll"). The mod waits for the time set in DSMaxEuphTime an then checks if the flagged NPC is still in ragdoll. If not, nothing happens and the game begins again (waiting for next ragdoll) --> this allows NPCs to flinch or react without being forced into permanent ragdoll. If after DSMaxEuphTime the NPC is still in ragdoll, it gets permanently ragdolled, but with the "try to balance ragdoll" (to be sure the NPC goes to the ground at some time). After the NPC has entered the "try to balance ragdoll" the mod waits for the time specified in DSDelay. When this has passed, the NPC is checked for whether its head is high enough (between ZValueForHeadBone and ZValueForHeadBone2 --> this should mean that the NPC is still standing). If the NPC is still standing, the force pushes are applied (DyingPushChance, DyingForcePushX, DyingForcePushY, DyingForcePushZ) until the NPCs head is lower than ZValueForHeadBone (= on the ground). Also, as a security measure if the NPC is being force-pushed around and not going down, after the DSDelay the counter for DSMaxStumbleTime starts. If the NPC is still in being pushed and trying to balance mode, after DSMaxStumbleTime has passed, it gets forced to the ground. Notice that when EuphoriaStumbling is not enabled for the NPC, the whole pushing and balancing thing does not happen - the NPC will get forced to the ground instead of pushed around. Forcing to the ground always happens via the "ragdoll force fall" native function. The shock state happens when NPCs are in ragdoll for too long (DSMaxEuphTime is passed) but not moving in any specific direction, so the "try to balance ragdoll" keeps them standing still. To circumvent that, we implemented HeadVecMaxDelta and HeadVecMaxTime: If an NPC is in ragdoll, the position of the NPCs head gets stored and the HeadVecMaxTime counter starts. If after the counter has passed, the NPCs head is still within the HeadVecMaxDelta, the NPC gets forced to the ground via pushing (ragdoll force fall looked extremely weird, so we decided to push). HeadVecMaxDelta gets applied to all axis (positive and negative). The check looks like this: if (*NPC is standing*) *do HEAD_CHECK* HEAD_CHECK: if ((headpre.x < headpost.x + delta && headpre.x > headpost.x - delta) || (headpre.y < headpost.y + delta && headpre.y > headpost.y - delta) || (headpre.z < headpost.z + delta && headpre.z > headpost.z - delta)) { *push NPC* } The shock state was usually there for a long time (without the head check with time and delta). After implementing this and configuring it, the shock state now only lasts for a few seconds. We were fine with the results and left it that way (thinking users could "configure it away" if they wanted to). But since you tried to do so unsuccessfully, we might have to take a look at the code. I am the only one actively coding, so this will be my task :P Since I have very little spare time on my hands, please dont expect miracles. I am always open to input, though. So if you have an idea, please share. I havent really discussed or thought of any solution before, because I didnt think it was a problem. Since the v1.56 release, I have been only working on some performance fixes - so if you have any suggestions, I will try them next time I sit in front of my Visual Studio. @Zere.exe the solution with the fall time was tested quite a bit, so I am surprised there was such a major bug (also no one has reported this one ever (not even on nexus)). Glad that you could work it out. I have to admit, however, that I dont exactly know how long an NPC counts as "is falling" in the game engine. Our tests could never provide precise results.
  21. It wasn't aware to us that the shock state was such a problem for some of you. We'll take a look at it for the next release.
  22. @AnymYo Try playing with DSEuphTime and DSDelay - those in combination with the HeadVec-values (delta and time) create the shock state. But if you dont want any altered euphoria behavior, I suggest setting DSEuphTime to a low value like 0, 10 or 100 and then work up from there. If that doesnt result in anything you want, you can try tweaking DSDelay. HeadVecMaxTime I would set to something higher than 0 (like 100 or so) - if you want the head bone check to stop, I would rather increase the range of the delta value than lower the one for the time check.
  23. In the latest version of PDO, you can increase the amount of money you lose on death: https://www.mod-rdr.com/downloads/rdr2/mods/42-ped-damage-overhaul/ If you only want this feature, look at the nexus site. I think our uploader has created a config with everything disabled, so you can enable the stuff you want yourself.
  24. Its a fixed health value, independent of the breed.
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