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HughJanus last won the day on June 30

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  1. PlayerInvincibility worked last time I tested. I currently dont have the time to test myself, but I have implemented a new ini value called "DropNPCInDyingState". If set to 1, this should ragdoll every NPC as soon as their health value crosses the DyingThreshold (if the NPC is standing (= check if the head bone position is x cm above ground --> could be that NPCs who have low health and are trying to get up, will be ragdolled during the getting up animation - please report back if that looks off)). PedDamageOverhaul.asi PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  2. Could you describe how to reproduce the behavior, so I can test it myself? I have done a bunch of shootouts with the new version (for testing purposes) and have never experienced this (to be fair, I never experienced it with the older version, either). I get NPCs standing up and walking, but they either fall down, squirm and die or they ragdoll/kneefall and die while walking.
  3. I added a check - as soon as an NPC enters the last Dying State, they get ragdolled to the ground (the rest of the already existing logic should keep them there). Please report back. PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  4. Fixed customized NPC health not being applied. I also divided the ini set bleeding chance parameters by 10, so bleeding chances can be set even lower (for longer bleedouts). Please see that you multiply your currently set bleeding chances by 10, if you intend to use your own ini file (BleedingChanceShot, BleedingChanceDying1, BleedingChanceDying2, LongerBleedingChance). Also there should be some performance gain, since I reduced the number of script loops per second (and made them configurable via the ini file --> TickInterval). If you want to use the on screen text for debugging, please set the TickInterval to 10 or something similar, otherwise the text will flicker (less draw calls). PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  5. I tested this for 10mins and you seem to be correct. One of the updates must have changed the vanilla bleeding behavior, because they bleed out way faster than what I remembered. I set their health to 250 and they walk for about 10secs now. If you want 15 seconds, I suppose you would have to increase their health to 350. I guess they deduct health based on percentages now instead of absolutes (or something similar). PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  6. Here is a new version trying to fix the "bleeding out and standing" bug some folks still seem to encounter on rare occasions. I suppose it happens in combinations with other mods. Nevertheless, I tried to fix it. Please report back (those who were able to reproduce such behaviors). Those wanting to use their own ini, please set ZValueForHeadBone to 500. PedDamageOverhaul.asi PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  7. The script already does check if the affected NPC is not the player. But if you tell me which NPC I am supposed to add to the exclusion list, I can make a version for you (so you can check if that is really the cause of your problem). Hm, I have read through the bug reports of the Script Hook V2 and there seem to be a lot of bugs concerning hotkeys and mod functions. Could you try enabling friendly fire via the ini file, not via the hotkey? Unfortunately, the vanilla game bleeding mechanic (which I suppose you are talking about) draing NPC health FAST. The only thing you can do is setting the NPC health higher (like 250 or so) and adjust your DyingMovement- and Dying-Thresholds accordingly. You will also have to configure FallTImeDown and FallTimeDeath (because with health values that high, NPCs won't die from most usually lethal falls anymore).
  8. I dont know what WERO does in detail, but you could try changing you EuphoriaModInstalled setting in the PedDamageOverhaul.ini file. What is a "download sign"? Sounds like there is a problem with the hook, LML or the way you installed the mods.
  9. Here is a new version which does nothing but add the Laramie goon from the fistfight mission to the list of "other story NPCs". PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  10. Sounds like an incompatibility issue. PDO never touches the player character in any other terms than invincibility or health (if set in the ini).
  11. Hm, never noticed this either. Does this only happen with LML? What, if you only install script mods?
  12. Hello boys, there is this one mission in which Arthur gets kidnapped and has to free himself from a cellar and escape the enemy camp. During this mission there is a short part in which the player has to crawl (with blurred vision and such). Does anyone know how we could trigger this mode via script? BR HJ
  13. Hey guys, sorry for my absence. Here is a new version with some performance improvements (hopefully) and the option to unbind the toggle keys (by setting them to 0 in the ini). Here is my ini as well (invincibility enabled for testing purposes). PedDamageOverhaul.ini PedDamageOverhaul.asi
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a tool for making NPCs say speech lines (usually needed when looking for certain lines for NPCs to speak). Installation Download and install a Script Hook and an Asi Loader of your choice. Drag and drop the files into your game directory (SpeechLinesTester.asi, SpeechLinesTester.ini, SpeechLines.txt). Start your game. What does this mod do? This mod reads the speech line names from the file "SpeechLines.txt" and forces NPCs around the player to play the first line. Via hotkeys you can iterate through the lines in the file (hotkeys and other settings can be changed in the "SpeechLinesTester.ini" file). There is also an on screen display of the currently played line name. You can find speech line names here: https://www.rdr2mods.com/wiki/speechlines/ Why? I needed this when making PDO and finally found the time to clean it up a little. Maybe someone else can make use of it as well. Source: https://github.com/HJHughJanus/SpeechLinesTester/
  15. I dont know how you tie such an effect to an object. With my limited knowledge, I would probably iterate through all the objects and for every hydrant I find, I check if one of my NPCs is close to it. This will be performance-heavy, though^^
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