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  1. Also, if you do manage to make it work, we should make it possible to sell crackers, and biscuits as well as candies and bread chunks besides being able to sell opened items. 🙂 Btw, is it possible to disable the new austin sniper so we could visit as Arthur?
  2. You can do it! I believe in you. Besides, it says under your name that you're an outlaw. Outlaws always find a way :D.
  3. So I am not the first asking for this? Well that is a relief. The more who want it, the bigger the chance someone will do it one day. Hopefully it is you :D. I think that putting a price on those items is just the start. If you remember, you can see prices of items even at shop owners who won't buy it from you. For example if you go to a fence to sell stuff, and you scroll through your items, you will see he wont buy herbs of you, but you can still see the prices of herbs (25 cents for most if not all). Same if you try to sell gold bars at a doctor: You can see the selling price of the gold bar (500 dollars) but you can't sell it to him, because it will say that this shopkeeper is not interested in this item. So the first step is to add a value to the items we can't sell, and the second step is to enable the actual ability to sell them to a shopkeeper. I presume in the game files, some items selling capability is closed to certain shop keepers. For example, selling of meat is closed/not possible to all shopkeepers except butchers, or selling gold bars is closed/not possible to all vendors other than fences. So it must be a way to make a shopkeeper interested in the item besides setting a price. Because if you can make a shopkeeper buy a certain item that costs 0.00 dollars, you will be able to sell it to him, but for 0.00 dollars. Meaning for free. I actually experienced this in game. You can "sell" items that have a set value of 0.00 dollars to a vendor. But I forgot what and to whom I sold :D. So again, setting a price is just the first step, if all the vendors, shopkeepers and not programmed to want to buy that item off of you. Hope what I said makes sense :D. And I hope you figure it out dude. You are the best for even trying!
  4. Thanks dude. Yes by default, cocaine gum, chewing tobacco, cigarettes and premium cigarettes CANNOT be sold. Only bought. Which really was annoying cause buying them is expensive as hell (6 dollars for chewing tobacco?). If you try to sell them it always says the shopkeeper is not interested in this item and has 0.00 dollar value, which is what should be changed as well as perhaps adding a shopkeeper that is interested in it somehow. I would also love to sell opened gin and opened kentucky bourbon or opened fine brandy in addition to cocaine gum, cigarettes and tobacco. Basically I wanna make Arthur Morgan a drug dealer lol.
  5. Hello all! I am new to this site and was wondering if anywhere there is a mod that allows us to sell cocain gum chewing tobacco, cigarettes and premium cigarettes and perhaps even open gin, bourbon candies. They really clutter my inventory and I would love a mod that allows me to sell them to make an extra buck this way :D. I know I can just drop them, but I'd much rather sell them. And if not, is it hard to learn how to edit the game files to sell them myself? I am a complete noob when it comes to this game modding. Thank you in advance for your answers.
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