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  1. Thank you very much for the mod. Is it possible after this recent update to play as multiplayer character again? There was a problem with the game crashing when you picked the mp character in the available models list. I know that there's a sort of a workaround with choosing a default mp male / female and then picking various outfit parts in outfit changer, however, as far as I remember, it was a bit glitchy (other than that, both mods are great of course!). I don't have the game installed right now, was just wondering if the problem has been solved yet...
  2. Same here. Saved outfits don't load, I actually end up with invisible character. Another problem I'm encountering is that almost every cut scene from story and side missions deletes some outfit parts, brings back the default CS_genstorymale or female outfit/body parts, sometimes partly and sometimes completely goes back to the default ones. This means that after each cutscene you have to go through a long process of recreating the body parts and outfit parts you wanted on your character. Don't get me wrong, both Lenny's Trainer and Outfit Changer are amazing tools, it's just pitty that right now we can't use the character swap section without those significant problems. Would be really great if it was corrected in future updates. Maybe indeed we need OpenIV to be released first to overcome those obstacles. Other than that, great mods! Thank you ❤️
  3. Thank you for this great trainer. However, I'm a bit confused - I thought that you can replace Arthur with some other characters (ped models), but in the mod menu I can only see "Spawn peds" option, which just lets you spawn various characters next to Arthur, not play as them... Is there an option I somehow don't see in the mod or am I doing something wrong? I dropped all the necessary files into the game directory. Edit: Nevermind, I'm sorry, I just didn't scroll further down in the Player menu. 😒
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