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  1. This is a great mod, I refuse not to use it anymore. The breastcollars look fantastic, and I love all of the color variations! Super simple installation, too. Keep it up! Think we can get a mod that puts a lasso on the saddle horn? 😄
  2. Howdy! My name's Dan. I downloaded RDRFR almost a year ago, and continue to play with it regularly. Firstly, two bugs I noticed during gameplay: Sometimes, after playing for a while, a stranger will come to alert you to some sort of danger. I assume a shootout, but when I ride out to investigate, the map shows a red dot, but nothing happens. There are no enemies, no shootouts, nothing. I've tried shooting up into the air to draw out whatever danger it might be, however, nothing ever happens. The only way to fix it is to go back to a sheriff's office, remove the badge, and put it on again. When arresting folks, when given the "Request Transport" prompt, if you hit the button an officer will spawn, but always wanders away, leaving the criminal. Not sure how to fix this, but I started throwing the criminals up on their horses, which seems to work fine. So long as you can catch them. Now, some suggestions. More menial tasks. Hanging flyers around town, collecting taxes, sweeping the sheriff's office, that sort of thing. Being a lawman in the 1890's-1900's was far less dangerous. Ideally, it'd be a setting that can be turned off in the configuration file and would be more for players who want something more realistic. NPC Greetings. I have another mod, called "RedDead Lawman" which has NPCs greet the player as Marshall as the player passes by. I think RDRFR could benefit from something like this for immersion. Outfits that DON'T replace the character model. I use RDR2 as inspiration, as I've been working on a book. The main character of my story is loosely based on Arthur Morgan in general physique, but aside from one outfit I created myself, I struggle to come up with outfit options for him. Another idea for the outfits specifically, how about more badge types? Marshalls, Deputies, Police, Sheriffs, and Pinkerton badges would be a cool touch. Generally, just more to do. After about an hour, I found that RDRFR tends to become repetitive. I absolutely love this mod, it's one of my favorites so far, especially when it comes to inspiring incidents for my writing projects, but after a short while it becomes difficult to remain interested. I hope my suggestions are at least able to inspire new ideas for this mod, and if anyone has any suggestions for fixing the bugs above, I'd appreciate the help. Additionally, I'm trying to learn how to mod (I'm a noob, though) RDR2, so if anyone has the time, I would love to learn ways to either combine mods to get the results I'm looking for in RDRFR, or else learn how to create mods myself. Thanks for reading! -Dan
  3. Hi there! I don't know if you ever got this figured out, since it's been 3 years, but I do have the hash codes for the mane on the Missouri Foxtrotter and the mane for the Mustang. Mustang (Tousled): 0xA90EBD77 Missouri Foxtrotter (Unkempt): 0x850C7577 They're used in the .ymt files for horses, so I'm not going to guarantee that they're what you're looking for, but it's worth a try. And even if you know already, maybe someone who doesn't can appreciate it. I recommend finding a modders resource guide, they're really helpful.
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