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Doktor VS

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    United States
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  1. It's almost perfect, just need to be able to select the MP characters in Story mode and it is completly perfect 😄
  2. IT WORKED ! sry xDDD In fact, it doesn't show but it does, so THANK YOU A LOT 😄
  3. Hi there, friend ! 🙂 I tried but it still doesn't work, I wonder if it's because I do shit xDD Take a look at the health level ad the stats, they are all in red
  4. I tried your new version but it doesn't change anything. It seems like the health level is locked, when you load another ped model 😕
  5. As the mp model as it's animations for executions, stealthkills etc, you think it will apply this animation set instead of Arthur's one ?
  6. Thank you a lot LMS 🙂 I'm too much busy right now IRL to learn scripting , so I cannot help the community yet. But soon, I'll try to help for the researches and all 🙂 Thank you a lot ! I hope it's going to work soon. The mp female model has it's own anim set, that's why I want it, to avoid clipping in executions, for exemple the player's hand into the npc's face xDDD
  7. Hi everyone, as the mp model ( especially female one ) has it's own animations set for executions etc it would be really nice to be able to play her .But why it crashes while loading it in ped changer ? Any idea, please ?
  8. I used it but the health didn't changed, I use another ped model 😕
  9. Ok comrade 🙂 I hope it will happens soon ! 😄 I have too much clipping animations while using female characters, I have to change that ^^
  10. Hello everyone, when you change theplayer model into another, the max health is slightly decreased and you are one shot all the time. Is there a way to add something that increases the max health of the player , or a talented modder interested doing it ? 🙂
  11. Hi everyone, Is it possible to extract 3D models of the game yet, or no ? I would like to create female model that could fit with the skeleton of Arthur, so I don't have to switch model ^^
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