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Krokx last won the day on May 30 2023

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  1. Thanks for answering. Is there a chance to implement BH into AMJM i cooperation with crossed? I understand that when I run AMJM.asi and BH.asi and both share a lot of the same code it could cause some stutters. Are some features that are in BH also working in AMJM? I.e. if I would add the line in the ini which defines if the random roaming bandits would attack on sight into AMJM.ini would it work? I mean is there the function in AMJM but there is missing the line in the ini? (I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. I try to import as many functions from BH into AMJM without causing the stutters.)
  2. Thank you for providing the info. I didn't know you made a Q&A part of your mod, which generally described everything. I don't know if this is the right place to write, but I gave you mod yesterday a try. I set the above mentioned settings in AMJM Transport ini to 0 and set up your mod and made some adjustment in your ini file. Generally I toned down a little bit everything. I like your version of bandit hideouts, it's a better version of what AMJM already has got, but the problem is, that every time I get in combat with the bandit hideouts the game begins to lag and stutter. I know for sure it's your mod since I made a comparison. I attacked Fort Mercer with your mod and cleared it out (with stuttering) and then deleted your mod, enabled the three settings in AMJM again and attacked the Fort Mercer again. Combat was very similar but I had no stutters at all. Maybe it's somehow conflicting with AMJM? Or is it the additional reinforcement features? I don't know but I know for sure that it causes stutters and lags. I run the game with a LOT of mods (50 asi mods and 25 lml mods) and it doesn't stutter at all. As soon as I install your mod it stutters. Only in combat with the bandit hideouts. (I made a second try in Solomon's Folly with the same result.) Do you have an idea what could be the issue?
  3. @Gunter Severloh By mod menus you mean trainers like Rampage? Because I didn't find any "mod menus" under tools on Nexus. Also I have a question concerning your bandit hideouts mod. I'm using crossed's AMJM Transport mod since a long time. But AFAIK your mod is an expanded version of the bandits features from crossed. So how could I combine AMJM Transport and your mod, so that they don't interfere?
  4. I removed the buyable properties and the crashes when entering a town are a lot less. They still happen from time to time, but not when entering every town everytime. So that mod could really be bugged.
  5. Thanks a lot. I'm not a modder myself, but I would like to use this function to check what mods cause troubles. So yes it saves a lot of time when you can unload and load some mods and check them ingame. Even better would be a menu with checkboxes to unload/load the scripts. But that's never gonna happen, I guess because Alexander Blade doesn't work on the Scripthook anymore. And the Scripthook V2 from Kepmehz doesn't load my saves with all the mods. Thank you very much for your help. I remember you from Operation Flashpoint or ArmA, is that right?
  6. How do you add the ScriptHookRDR2.dev file? By simply creating a text file and naming it like this? Or is it a file I have do download somewhere?
  7. Very interesting ideas. There are generally mods which allow you to spend some money. Buyable properties is one of them, but I don't use it since some people say it's bugged, but I'm not sure. Another is a mod which turns Beecher's Hope into your own gang hideout and you can provide the money to a common box, which allows you to buy improvment for the ranch. Bolmin made something like this, but I didn't try it out. But I find the idea of "bringing money home" to run your family quite realistic. All the food for the people and animals do cost. Also there should be a tax system to pay your taxes, and if not it would make the law hunt you down. 🙂
  8. Anyone else experiencing ThirstyHorse.asi to crash after some playtime? I had the script crash already about 5 times. It works for some time, sometimes for several hours and then crashes. Luckily I can still continue to play but the script stops to work. I didn't have any other scripts crashes and I'm running a lot of them. About 43 asi scripts and about 25 lml mods.
  9. How did you track this down? I'm having the same issue with crashing when entering almost every town and I'm using the buyable properties mod. But the crashing started some 1-2 months ago and I'm using the buyable properties mod since February 2023. So how would it be possible that this mod is causing now the crashing?
  10. What does the loader.asi file in this od exactly do? I'm asking since I'm using dinput8.dll and OCU instaead of version.dll and it seems that dinput8.dll is not loading scripts from subfolders in lml. So I'm not sure if the loader.asi file is loaded. ScripthoodRDR2.log doesn't show ti as loaded. Is it essential? I'm asking since the mod seems to work ok even without version.dll or putting the file in root, to load the script.
  11. @alfabravozapa Hej thanks for this great mod. Although I'm experiencing crashes with this script. I mean not the whole game, just your script. I described in detail on Nexus when this crash occurs. It loads fine, works for a certain time and then crasehs. I've had two crashes like this in my playthroughs. I can press enter and the game continues but the script doesn't work anymore and the cores for the horse are gone. Do you have any idea what it could be? I would like to stay with this mod.
  12. Run the game and the R* launcher in admin mod, to let the game overwrite the dat file.
  13. Just tried this and it doesn't work. The basement of the fence in St. Denis can't be opened. And also the gambling room above the gun store doesn't open. I hear the opening door sound to the gambling room, but the door still remains locked. Maybe the mod is outdated and that's why it doesn't work?
  14. @LMS I had a lot of FFFFFF crashes lately, but there was NEVER any entry in the eventvwr.exe. Quite annoying, so we never know what caused the crash. The most need "mod" for RDR2 imho is a "crash log mod". Something that tells you what actually caused the crash.
  15. @LMS Sorry but right now I don't want no more crashes. I've been through a hell of crashes and FFFFFF failures and not loading interiors and player gettting invisible, and I'm tired of it. I found a stable mod mix version with the LML version before the last one and I stick to it for the time being. When I get more power and the situation forces me to do so, I will try to track down the crashes with the newest LML version. But for now I just want to have a working set of mods.
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