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sundance kid

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  1. I'm starting to wonder if the authors abandoned this site 😄 when RDR came to the PC, there were updates for these mods like every week. suddenly there hasn't been any update in over a month or so.
  2. I'm afraid you're asking more of the modding community than is currently possible. have patience. the game has only been on PC for a few months. data mining and referencing is still ongoing. when GTAV came to PC for example, it took more than a few months for elaborate/complex mods to start appearing, beyond basic texture swaps or native trainers. right now everyone is still just working within the constraints of simple HEX editing. the more advanced stuff won't happen overnight.
  3. does Klaus Harold not realize that he's talking about Red Dead Redemption 1? the screenshots you posted are showing major locations from the first game where towns and roads and train tracks would be. just because the landscape is still there doesn't mean they have any plans to use it. video games used to have a "skybox" which would act like the background for landscape that you can't access. the skybox would make the game world feel larger than it is because the skybox would look like an endless mountain range or desert or dense forest (or whatever). old skyboxes were made from 2D images or simple meshes. but with modern open-world video games you don't need a skybox anymore. with the LOD scaling and the draw distances we have today, they can create detailed 'backgrounds' beyond the playable area which won't impact the performance within the playable areas. they can create an endless mountain range instead of just the illusion. that's what you are seeing. you are taking screenshots of an elaborate modern skybox. the Mexican side of the river only has enough details to make it feel realistic when you look at it through your binoculars from the New Austin side. it's not intended for you to travel through. there's no hint that it's going to be used for anything since Rockstar already made it clear that singleplayer DLC is dead and their focus will be Online microtransactions... these Gold Bars won't sell themselves. the only reason Mexico exists in RDR2 with the kind of detail it has is because the developers didn't feel like designing the entire world from scratch. instead of starting with nothing, they ported the original map over from RDR1, and then started expanding it to the North and East.
    pretty much the best all around RDR 2 trainer since the day it was released.
  4. done some more testing over the holiday. good news and bad news. bad news first. still cannot figure out how to unlock TRUE legendary animals. animals spawned with legendary variants using the trainer don't actually provide you with legendary skins or their unique talisman item. spawned legendary variants only provide you with ordinary (perfect) skins. tried several strategies including spawning the legendary variant INSIDE of the legendary hunting zone on the map. nothing triggers the TRUE legendary animal to appear or drop it's actual skins. this doesn't really matter with the majority of the animals. I've been trying to discover a method for getting Arthur the legendary alligator hat, vest, boots, and bracelet prior to Chapter 6 and without using the RDR Save Editor. so far it's still impossible. I'm wondering if legendary animal skins are SPECIFIC objects? they have nothing to do with the animal itself. they are locked behind some sort of script. oh well. hopefully we'll figure it out sooner than later. now the good news. this works! except for hats 😞 took a screenshot this afternoon using "CS_genstorymale" and you are right; the texture will be all blue at first, but after you add clothes (like Torso and Legs, to begin) the blue color goes away and the model looks completely normal. we still have one small problem. hats do not work. as you can see below, it appears that 99% of the clothing items are fitting correctly EXCEPT for the hat. MP hats are floating above the head. which sucks. but at least we the rest of the MP clothes to use again. I tried wearing armors and helmets and ponchos and capes. everything fits except for the dang hat.
  5. I would be surprised if that were an actual weapon model. it's probably categorized under ordinary objects since it doesn't function like a firearm. it's just for show during the cutscene. but I agree it would be cool to find it. when people start modding new weapons into the game we should get some old Civil War stuff to use.
  6. I appreciate the work that Sly put into the original post and research, but some of these locations were slightly inconvenient for me, and I also noticed some other key locations are simply missing altogether. here's a short of list of the most important locations in the game or at least the places you would want to travel most often. just paste this into LST.ini underneath of [Teleports] Valentine=-231.3357, 703.2683, 113.7415 Strawberry=-1731.426, -412.8995, 154.8678 Rhodes=1232.205, -1251.088, 73.67763 Emerald Ranch=1418.271, 316.2926, 88.4872 Saint Denis=2328.742, -1096.286, 44.7446 Van Horn=2983.451, 430.152, 51.17512 Annesburg=2904.366, 1248.808, 44.87448 Colter=-1343.558, 2425.952, 307.4015 Horseshoe Overlook=-69.79318, 109.2834, 89.52379 Clemens Point=843.9913, -1029.49, 51.98533 Shady Belle=1763.23, -1772.336, 50.68247 Lagras=2105.414, -682.1608, 42.2669 Beaver Hollow=2401.964, 1237.943, 102.5372 Wapiti Reservation=448.9348, 2239.867, 248.4422 Blackwater=-798.9842, -1247.722, 43.42519 Beecher's Hope=-1641.797, -1399.678, 82.80418 Macfarlane's Ranch=-2300.929, -2450.016, 61.97258 Armadillo=-3665.947, -2612.442, -14.08434 Tumbleweed=-5517.375, -2936.821, -2.219434 Sisika Island=3136.868, -767.7388, 44.81798 Mexico=-2179.264, -3382.99, 32.82836 Guarma=1997.57, -4499.807, 41.77455
  7. I was messing around with my LST.ini recently, so maybe I messed it up after the last update, but I deleted everything and now I'm using a fresh install again. you're right. I can see <Default> next to the peds. I can switch it to different 'outfits' or variants. the default ped list only has 3 animals in it though; a wolf, moose, and eagle. I'm trying to find a way to unlock the Legendary Bull Gator before Chapter 6. I want to know if it's possible to get the Legendary Gator skin before the animal appears in game which doesn't happen until after Guarma of course. right now, if you spawn the giant white alligator model using the ped spawner, it doesn't actually count as a real Legendary Bull Gator. whenever I skin the spawned gator, the regular alligator skin and teeth are what I get from it, even though it looks like the Legendary variant. this is the main reason I was concerned with Legendary spawning to begin with. we can already use the trainer to hunt the Legendary animals of New Austin, but the Legendary gator is hidden behind story progression, and I want to access it earlier. .... ok did a little testing, same problem still exists. you can spawn Legendary models but they're not real. for example I can find the Legendary moose variant (giant antlers, white fur) and spawn it and kill it. the game says that it's Legendary when I target and study it. but it's not truly a Legendary moose because it can be killed with a single bullet instead of requiring several shots. and when you skin the animal you only get an ordinary (perfect) moose pelt. we need to find a way to unlock the actual Legendary pelts. or the actual Legendary animals. like a separate object or a separate script. they're apparently locked behind some kind of scenario. they're not connected to the corresponding ped models.
  8. I guess I'm confused. how do you select different variations?? my Peds list doesn't have them.
  9. the patch notes say that Legendary animals were added to the Peds list, but I don't see them? am I missing something?
  10. I tried to search for all of the possible musical actions and experiment. some of them just don't work because the instrument prop doesn't load. for example, the Fiddle and the Piano won't appear so there's no instrument to play. some of them work but your player will be floating in the air while doing the action, like he's trying to find a chair or bench that doesn't exist. but at least he plays the instrument. here's a list of the best music actions. copy and paste into LST.ini below [Actions] of course: Guitar Sitting=WORLD_HUMAN_SIT_GUITAR Guitar Chair=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_GUITAR Banjo Chair=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_BANJO Harmonica Bench=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH_HARMONICA Mandolin Bench=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH_MANDOLIN Accordion Bench=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH_CONCERTINA Jawharp Bench=PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH_JAW_HARP Trumpet Standing=WORLD_HUMAN_TRUMPET the Concertina is like a mini accordion. you can hear Pearson playing it in camp. the Jawharp is the twangy mouth string instrument you can hear around Lemoyne or the Bayou. "sitting" means sitting on the ground which looks normal. "chair" and "bench" means floating in the air which looks weird but still works. maybe you can position yourself carefully in front of something to sit on before you activate the action. you might be able to make it look normal. the scenarios list includes an 'upbeat' and 'downbeat' version of each instrument but these are redundant. if you don't select a version then your character will continuously play random tunes from each category, taking a short break in between songs.
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