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Everything posted by dartigen

  1. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Whooping Crane
  2. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Cuban Land Crab
  3. Outfit 2 is the Legendary Coyote. Outfit 5 is a mangy variant, which is always 1-star.
  4. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to California Valley Coyote
  5. Changed Gender to Female Changed Character Name to Florida Cracker Cow
  6. Outfit 6 is the Legendary Cougar. Outfit 3 is 'Stripey' from 'He's British, of Course'. Outfits 2 and 4 both resemble the white cougar from 'Money Lending and Other Sins'.
  7. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Cougar
  8. Outfit 2 is the default, and is the Double-Crested Cormorant. Outfit 1 is the Neotropic Cormorant.
  9. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Double-Crested Cormorant
  10. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Western Chipmunk
  11. Outfit 1 is the Leghorn Chicken. Outfit 2 is the Dominique Chicken, but it is set as the default. Outfit 3 is the Java Chicken.
  12. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Dominique Chicken
  13. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Cedar Waxwing
  14. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to American Domestic Cat
  15. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Carolina Parakeet
  16. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Northern Cardinal
  17. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Californian Condor
  18. Outfits 1 and 4 are the Angus Bull. Outfit 3 is the Devon Bull. Outfit 2 is the Hereford Bull.
  19. Outfits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 all appear to be regular bison. Outfit 5 is the Legendary White Bison. Outfits 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are 'rotted' variants from a companion activity.
  20. Outfit 4 is the Legendary Buck. Outfit 6 may possibly be the buck from cutscenes. Outfit 5 is the 'Mangy' variant, which is always 1-star.
  21. Changed Gender to - Changed Character Name to Giant Boar
  22. Outfit 2 is the Legendary Boar.
  23. Outfits 1, 2 and 3 are Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep. Outfits 4, 5 and 6 are the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Outfits 7, 8 and 9 are the Desert Bighorn Sheep. Outfits 10, 11 and 12 are the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Ram. Outfit 13 is the Legendary Bighorn Ram. Outfits 14, 15 and 16 are the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram. Outfits 17, 18 and 19 are the Desert Bighorn Ram.
  24. Outfit 2 is the Legendary Beaver.
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