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da cleva git

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  1. Im terribly sorry but I cant seem to get this to work, I've tried manually installing it like you describe... Moving the contents of the folder into the games directory... But that only seems to work in preventing the game from starting at all (its not crashing mid load or anything... its legit just not loading up at all!). Deleting the files after installing them seems to make the game load up just fine afterwards though, so its not my game being buggy. I've tried using the Lml with it... hoping it would work that way... but that doesn't seem to do anything either. Game loads but none of the binds work nor do I hear that three beeps you mentioned. I've tried replacing the version.dll and then manually installing, but that brings me back to the first problem. I've tried watching tutorials and reading guides, as well as some advice from here, but nothing seems to work for one reason or another. I know you probably hear this alot but can you please offer me some advice on what to do?
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