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  1. Hey@LMS, Trying to get RDRFR working, I can load through (out of date) Rage launcher, but as per pics in post a few up from here, the map markers are black squares and the RDRFR main hotkey just pauses the game and no menu pops up. Unless im reading it wrong, you put a patch out for RDRFR on July 23rd, yet (from what I can gather from the comments) the Rage Plugin Hook hasnt been compatible with RDR2 since a few months and game patches before that. Are you yourself still able to play this mod? or are you also waiting for Rage Plugin Hook to update? Thanks for your time.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. Ill keep trying a few things to get RDRFR running, although it seems rage hook isnt compatible with current game patch, Ill try rolling back or something, anyway thanks for your work.
  3. Hey @LMS, been using your trainer and outfit changer for years now, Congratz on whatever you did to make mp_male work perfectly, but am I the only one that mp_female is still not working properly? ( empty cores, always tired animations, cant sit or sleep on bed etc). I saw a post on page 36 of this comment section where somebody was asking about the same issue, to which you gave this response, "It was indeed a different feature that was ported first (the reload fix). The core fix I still haven't ported, but I haven't forgotten about it 🙂". Was this referencing something to do with a mp_female fix in RDRFR? I installed RDRFR to test it and mp_female was no longer tired with empty cores (didnt check bed sitting animations), but i could no longer use the outfit changer to add body components. Any Ideas? I just want mp_female to work as pefect as mp_male does now. Thanks for your time and effort.
  4. When playing as a different character model, whilst "resting by campfire" and during many animations, the depleted cores red screen flash coupled with that awful sound activates every few seconds. any way around this or to disable the flash?
  5. Are you switching to a different character model? if so, saving your game as a different model will corrupt your save game file. Always switch back to player_zero (arthur) or player_three (John) before saving your game.
  6. Is it possible? I saw somebody in the Outfit Changer comments saying they plop the head of Arthur onto an Ped body, so that he can wear online clothes. Just wondering if i can get the head of Penelope Braithwaite on an 'online clothes friendly' model. You can change all clothes except the shirt and coat (crazy alien arms). Tried changing to penelope model, then despawning everything but her head, and then saving the outfit in the Outfit Changer, In hopes that it would reveal the head model number in the .ini file but nay. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Yeah forgive me man, i just found the change log/patch notes. Thanks for your effort.
  8. Thanks for the update, although Switching to mp_female still crashes the game.
  9. @LMS I Realize how much work it must be for you and the team every time there's a patch. Thanks heaps for your continuing effort. 👍
  10. Hey man, first off great work with this trainer, making awesome progress. Couple of things though, 1) When switching player model to mp_female, it spawns in its fatigued state (with the drooping shoulders and looking hungover as shit). A work around i found was to switch to mp_female a second time which stopped it. which is fine, but the problem is when you set up camp in the wilds, and sleep in your sleeping bag, once you wake up ( or any sort of time-passing cut-scene it seems) you character is fatigued again. I Guess a work around would be to sit by the fire or crouch near the bedroll and use the trainer to pass the time. But any idea how to fix the fatigued state? 2) also, using the outfit changer, I can save an outfit and it seems like it successfully saves, but nothing appears in the saved outfit menu. any ideas? something simple i'm doing wrong? Cheers.
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