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  1. You as well, sorry for the confusion - and thank you!
  2. Funny, we literally posted this suggestion at the same time. I had that thought literally right after I posted my original comment (then I literally just edited it with the same suggestion you provided as you posted your comment). Glad to know I did it right then - thank you!
  3. @SAC, first off, thank you for developing this mod. I know you worked hard to get this working, and I love the concept of it! It works exactly as described! I have one question ... or request ... is there any way you could (or would) upload a separate mod to simply disable rain, and only rain? I personally like that dirt comes off while walking around over time, however, I would absolutely love to play the game without any rain. I don't know why, but I absolutely dread when it rains in this game - in my opinion, it takes away from my joy when exploring and hunting. I love to just have the sun out, heck, even clouds / thunder / lightning are fine - I just really dislike the rain itself. It's an annoyance to me. Anyway, just a request, worth a shot. Thank you! EDIT: Nevermind, I just deleted all files except the "weatherClimates.xml" (and "install.xml" of course) assuming this will disable the rain without affecting anything decal related. If that's the case, then I'll be a happy camper. I'll report back with any issues, if any!
  4. Well, technically, yes, no version of LML worked on the prior version (to clarify was 1311.23). But, also to clarify again, that v7, v8 and v9 all "worked" per se, as in all of the mods loaded and functioned just fine, but LML itself would cause the occasional hiccup where the game would freeze for a split second, then continue working - it wasn't a huge deal, other than the fact it would happen multiple times in a short period of time, so it was more a nuisance than anything. However, it was just v10 that would flat out "not work", as in no mods would load, or act as if they were installed.
  5. I'm not sure if you had noticed in my original comment, or maybe I wasn't very clear, I feel like I was kind of "dragging on" in my explanation. Anyway, I had tried using all versions of LML available. I tried Beta v7, v8, v9 and v10 - with v7, v8, and v9, LML was causing the periodic hiccup (freezing) while playing (even without any other mods installed, except LML standalone), then with v10, the mods would not load in-game at all (but, there was no freezing whatsoever with LML running standalone). So, it was coming down to choosing - either no more mods that require the use of LML period ... or ... deal with the freezing that came along with all of the previous versions of LML. It also did not matter which version of the *asiloader, *scripthook, or the mods I was running, up to date, or previous versions, they refused to work on v10. But yes, now that I am running the recent version of the game, everything seems to be working without any noticable issues - at least in the multiple hours of playing I did last night, so I am confident in calling this "resolved". Thank you for the tips!
  6. @LMS, thank you for the quick response, I appreciate it! Turns out, it seems like it was an issue with the version of the game I was running. I have upgraded to 1436, and it appears to be working just fine now - smooth as butter, no issues. Thank you again!
  7. You do realize that this is not their job, right? They still have a life, a career, and likely a family. Working on Lenny's Mod Loader is not their life - you cannot actually be coming off the way you are, asking "Are you going to help me with this crash? Or not?", then proceed to be rude and impatient. Keep in mind, this is a 100% FREE MOD LOADER, while I'm sure @LMS appreciates the users of their mod, that doesn't mean they are going to bend over backwards to fix and issue that isn't widely reported - there isn't even a guarantee it is actually LML's fault - it could be a mix of your hardware, the version of the game you are using, corruption / and issue within a random game file, etc. Be patient, and be respectful. Coming off the way you are is the absolute worst way to garner a response - let alone a helpful response. This mod loader is absolutely amazing, I too am having issues with the loader and have asked for assistance, but I'm going to be as patient as necessary for a response and hopefully help. In other words, LMS will get to it, when they get to it.
  8. I'm hoping that I can explain my issue in a way that you'll understand what is going on, at least on my end: I am currently using Lenny's Mod Loader vBeta 10 (the latest version on RDR2Mods), along with Alexander Blade's Scripthook and ASI Loader. However, none of the mods that I am using work on vBeta 10 (I have W.E.R.O, Gun-Metal-Rework, Crime and Law Rebalance, and a few others). But, all of the mods I am using work just fine on vBeta 9 and earlier. Now, naturally, I would just continue to use vBeta 9, but when I use any version prior to vBeta 10, my game has these moments where it will freeze for a split-second or two, then continue working as normal - but it will do this repeatedly (otherwise, I would just deal with it). After a bunch of different testing, what I have determined is that is definitely Lenny's Mod Loader that is causing the issue - specifically any version earlier than vBeta 10. Here is what I did to determine this: - Using vBeta 9, I removed each mod one by one until there were no mods installed except Lenny's Mod Loader vBeta 9. Even with just vBeta 9 running standalone without any mods, it will still have these same periods of the game freezing. - I then repeated all the same exact steps mentioned above using vBeta 8 and vBeta 7, all providing the same results, even while using just Lenny's Mod Loader standalone. - I then installed vBeta 10 as a standalone without any mods, I never experienced any sort of freezing whatsoever (the game functions normally). - I added a single mod, that I confirmed worked on all prior versions of Lenny's Mod Loader, but it does not ever load up in-game. I then installed all of the other mods that I used in the versions prior to vBeta 10, and none of them would load either. - The only mod I have been able to make work on vBeta 10, is the "Companions" mod. All other mods that I use do not work at all, they do not load in-game whatsoever. All .asi files load fine though - just no mods that require Lenny's Mod Loader. - Also to note: I do not notice the freezing happening in any specific area of the map. It happens at Horseshoe Overlook (seems the most consistent in freezing there), it happens in Valentine, when riding through Emerald Ranch, etc. It doesn't matter the time of day, and doesn't seem to happen when the game is under more of a load, versus no load, it's just ... random. The only information I have found in any sort of relation to this, is a response from the mod creator (LMS) in another thread, who had said that there is a lot of logging that happens within the game when Lenny's Mod Loader is running that can use additional resources, however, I don't really think that is the issue in this particular situation. Reviewing the asiloader.log, ScriptHookRDR2.log, and ModManager.log, I do not see any issues or failed messages. Everything appears to be loading correctly - unfortunately, there is just something between vBeta 9 and vBeta 10 that is different and is removing the ability for me to use any mods on the most recent version, yet can use all mods on prior versions. So ultimately, the issue I am having, is that if I use any version of Lenny's Mod Loader prior to vBeta 10, all of the mods work just fine - but, I experience periodic freezing in-game. Yet, when I use vBeta 10, I do not experience any freezing, but none of the mods work. It's a lose-lose situation unfortunately. The only difference I can determine between each version (which goes along with the install instructions), is that the vsf.asi file is the only different file between each version. So whether I do a clean install of Lenny's Mod Loader for each version, or whether I just update the vsf.asi file, it doesn't make a difference. Do you know of anything between vBeta 9 and vBeta 10 that changes within the vsf.asi file making the mods incompatible with the latest version? I am really hoping that this is something that can be fixed - or there if there is some sort of remedy on my end I can try to fix this, but no matter my research, I cannot find anyone who is having this same issue. I was so beyond excited when I had stepped down to vBeta 9 and found out all of the mods I had installed had begun working, but no matter what I do, the game starts to freeze periodically, making the earlier versions unusable for myself, it bothers me way too much, I'd rather just play without the mods. Anyway, I hope this all makes sense - and I hope someone is able to provide me with some insight / assistance. Thank you for your time; this Mod Loader is absolutely amazing, and extremely simple to use - I just hope I am able to experience its full benefits!
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