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Original Light

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  1. My game keeps crashing after 20 seconds, I'm in Valentine. Didn't have an issue until I saved the game in the town, now I'm stuck in a sense since it crashes before I can leave the town when the game is done loading.
  2. Some of this is done for a sense of technological progression and advancement of time, since the end of the game is set in a different year. One or two guns can only be bought in the Epilogue, I believe.
  3. Most of the high end guns can only be bought at the Saint Dennis gun shop in Chapter 4 or later (LeMat Revolver, Mauser Pistol, Semi-Automatic Pistol, and the Litchfield Repeater, just to name a few). It was the same way in RDR1, where all the advanced guns could only be bought towards the end of the game in Blackwater at exorbitant prices.
  4. I'm noticing a huge difference compared to when I played this on the PS4, both graphically and even the sound quality with my speakers. During the first mission, I could hear the guitar playing off in the distance from the O'Driscoll's camp at Sadie's homestead, which I never noticed on the console. The snow is deeper, you can see the urine near the horse hitches, taller grass, improved draw distance, etc... little details like that make it feel technologically ahead. The new content will be interesting to experience as well.
  5. A 1908 Ford Model T would be fitting for the end of the game. RDR1 actually had cars you could ride in during missions towards the end of the game, but you were only a passenger. They could not be driven. One was an armored vehicle.
  6. I'm finally done with the decryption, it's just downloading the patch now. Remember to update your graphics drivers!
  7. (Spoiler Alert Regarding a Game Mechanic/Feature) There is a but it's not usable outside of a specific mission. It'd be awesome to have a mod where it's available in free roam. The draw distance in this game is incredible, so it's almost something I wish R* did in the first place. It can't be that difficult to implement, it's just a matter of making it spawn.
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