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vincemeister55 last won the day on September 17

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  1. oh oaky. Yeah, that's just normal WhyEm. I only deleted a single file, I think its in folder number 2. Its a duplicate of the same file, only separated by a space in the filename, so I deleted it.
  2. I got finally got WhyEm DLC with my edited textures to work with my mods, without the spawning issue. But I had to make sacrifices for my other texture mods. I downscaled the textures of my edited 2K Artwork Arthur Morgan Project mod to 1K. Disabled my 1K edited version of AI Upscaled Gore, and disabled High Vegetation Resolution in LML. With all these changes, all is working in St.Denis, spawning-wise.
  3. Well, I think the benefit would be that you can use other texture mods instead. But it's a tedious process. You have to test every time if it's working or not. If you really like to use WhyEm's textures, make it as the base for your texture mods. From there, whenever you install new texture mods, test every time to check if it'll cause the despawning issues. Until it does, then delete some texture files from WhyEm, then test again.
  4. That's what I have said. It may vary from user to user. It'll probably work if youre not using a lot of other texture mods. I for one has a lot of other texture mods in lml and in the stream folder.
  5. I dont know about that. WhyEm DLC adds files using a certain method as far as I know. Those other big texture mods, they only replaces vanilla files. but yeah, maybe we're into the first step of finally figuring this out.
  6. An update on the WhyEm DLC; So, I finally finished editing the texture files of the mod, and after a thorough testing of the mod with and without, here are my findings: *With Original WhyEm DLC enabled (meaning no edited files whatsoever)* -I get the despawning bug immediately after loading a save game. *With Edited WhyEm DLC enabled with EDITED textures* -When loading a save game with any WhyEm item/s equipped on Arthur, I don't get the despawning issue. But here is the catch; IT WILL ONLY LAST FOR A FEW MINUTES. Meaning for example, I load a save game in St. Denis with WhyEm clothing equipped, in the very first few minutes, everything is good, but after a few minutes, then you can see the problem. Here is a video for example; So here is my final assessment. My method of changing the texture-format of WhyEm DLC textures didn't work. I think it has something to do with the quantity of texture files from WhyEm (2000+). The game just couldn't handle those so many addtional files. But for better or for worse, it'll give an idea that there is a fix out there, not just for WhyEm, but for all other big texture mods. It hasnt been discovered, yet. Anyway, I'll share my edited texture files if anybody is interested in trying it in their game. Remember, it may vary from user to user. It might work for you if you only have a few texture mods. Just try. https://www.mediafire.com/file/cz2i46tcrj17u4i/WhyEm+DLC+textures+edited+by+vincemeister55.rar/file HOWEVER - - -- If you only want the Hairdos of the mods, you can use it without the despawning issue. Just delete the Item_Textures folder in WhyEm DLC. Here is a video for example. It's the same save file as the above video, you can see the Eyepatch is gone, as well as the Gunbelt. Because I deleted the texture folder. But I still got the hairdo, The Kurt hairdo as well as the coat. I think it is vanilla even though I brought it at the trapper under WhyEm CLothing. You can still access the WhyEm clothing at the trapper. You will just get a transparent look for some of the clothes that are without textures, of course. And most importantly, there are no despawning issues after a few minutes. Just watch the video... That's it fellers. I did my best, but my best wasn't good enough.
  7. Tried installing Blackwater Terrain Textures today. No issues. Tried installing Terrain Textures Overhaul with an edited install.xml file, no issues. Alright!
  8. Yeah, feeling the same thing. Im doing the WhyEm DLC and for all I care, all I want from that mod are the hairdos. But why am I editing the textures? lol. Do you know how to import dds sRGB format? The toolkit wont accept sRGB. I was trying to edit Terrain Texture Overhaul, but not importing sRGB format makes the texture with too much brightness.
  9. Yes I use that mod. But I use the replacement method in installing that. A feller in the comments section on that mod page gave a tip on how to do it. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I might just well downscale those textures too.
  10. 1. OpenIV (to open and export the textures) 2. RDR 2 Toolkit (to create ytd files) 3. Redm (for the toolkit to work) 4. Paint.net or any program that can open and edit dds files (I use paint.net) P.S To those who like to use the WhyEm's DLC mod, I'm currently editing the texture format of the texture files in the mod. Its a very tedious process as the mod contains 2000+ texture files, and you need to edit each file. The mod has 4 texture folders, each with 500 texture files. I just finished 1 folder. I then test different variations if it fixes the spawning issue when using the mod. You need to equip at least 1 item from WhyEm's DLC mod to have accurate results of the test; 1. I first test it with only 1 texture folder installed, the original, unedited files = spawning issue 2. I then tested it with my edited textures, still 1 folder = the train spawns with passengers, no spawning issue 3. I test again with my edited texture files in 1 folder, plus the 3 unedited folders = it spawns the train, but no passengers (but the weird part is after like a minute, passengers will spawn. Its like a delay) So, after all the tests, I decided to continue this tedious process of editing the texture files. lol. Since It works with my test #2.
  11. The texture-format used in the Firearms Cosmetics is B8G8R8A8 pixel format. I changed it to BC3 DXT5 format.
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