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Cyastic last won the day on August 28 2022

Cyastic had the most liked content!

About Cyastic

  • Rank
  • Birthday December 22

Personal Information

  • Country
    United States
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Bandit (2/10)



About Me

Howdy! 🤠

I'm formerly Cyastic, now known as EmeraldPynk, but since display names can't be changed here (to my knowledge), I guess I'll just keep rolling with the OG display name 🤷‍♀️. I love Red Dead Redemption 2, and the other R* games of course. I love video games in general and I love modding and diving into the code and seeing what makes it all tick (and then breaking the heck out of it with mods).

I decided to join this site because as a mystery/easter egg hunter and a virtual photographer, mods help me in ways that I can't live without. Custom outfits, horses, and spawning items for staging and the like for photoshoots, time and weather manipulation, ped and animal spawning, disabling AI interactions, location warping, and the list goes on... I honestly don't know how I'd get by without mods... It'd be far less enjoyable imo, that's for sure.


Note: My profile here, my platforms everywhere else, and my life in general is a no-hate, no-bigotry, all inclusive zone, where I expect people to treat each other with care, respect, kindness, love, and an open-mind. In other words, I have no time or care for ass-clowns. I only deal with people who think and behave like actual intelligent adults.


Speaking of social media, here's all the links to my other platforms! 😄💜

🌟 Links 🌟


Twitter - @EmeraldPynk

Instagram - @EmeraldPynk

YouTube - EmeraldPynk on YouTube

Twitch t.tv/EmeraldPynk


Other Community/Mods Sites

GTA5-Mods -  GTA5-Mods

Terraria Community Forums Aaronyxia on TCF

"What's your real name?"


Kylie-Ann, Kylie for short (obviously). My pronouns are she/her.


"Where can we find your virtual photos?"


All Virtual Photography is uploaded to my Twitter and Instagram


"Do you have a YouTube?"


Yes, I do, linked above. I do all sorts of things, and am also planning on opening other channels for other things too at one point. Check it out if you'd like. 


"Is your AV a real pic of you?"




"Do you make mods?"


I made HBAD for GTA V, on GTA5-Mods, but that's it recently. I have made a lot more in the past, but these days I mostly just use and review other people's mods. I still make the occasional small mod, but none for RDR2 as of yet."


"What's your favorite game of all time?"


Dark Souls, the entire series. Closely followed by the Monster Hunter series, then GTA, then RDR. I also love voxels like Minecraft and Terraria, Starbound and Stardew Valley and also omg I have a hard time picking a favorite apparently...


This is Anthem. I have developed an emotional attachment to this virtual horse, and if anything happens to her, I will ugly cry real tears... 


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