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Chunk the chump

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  1. what we think right now as "bad compression" is the A8RGB8 or whatever textures compression. what a great post I think we can just link to this from now on every time someone brings up ''spawn fix''
  2. Do you think a room is clean if you sweep all the garbage under the table? What if it starts coming out of the other side once its full?
  3. How would you be able to tell if the stem of your issue is fixed if the mod literally forces peds to spawn on the places where we usually test this? You do know, that the issue is not just that train/trolley peds do not spawn, right? That is just an easily measurable symptome of the problem we utilize in absence of fully comprehensive testing methods. Hiding an issue does not equal a fix. How do you know that by forcing high priority spawns on scenarios which should be low priority by default doesnt create more agressive culling for peds or events elsewhere? And regarding TTO. have you tested the newe version of TTO with <StreamingFiles>CityTextures</StreamingFiles> <StreamingFiles>TerrainMainTextures</StreamingFiles> <StreamingFiles>TerrainPlacementTextures</StreamingFiles> in the install.xml instead of filereplacement? Because I have been testing that and it acts exactly the same. so that's 20gb of STREAMING textures without spawn issues. Streaming does not create spawn issues. In fact I would ventrue to saying that nobody even knows what the difference is between streaming and filereplacement inside lml besides the name. Nobody knows if vfs.asi is acting any differently in regards to the method you use.
  4. Hi, I know there are a lot of misinformation going around with Streaming Vs FIlereplacement right now, and some of it can be contributed to me as I was a believer at some point that streaming indeed can cause issues, but it seems like that is not the case. I will have a video about this in the upcoming days to clarify things but for now please do not look to FIle Replacement as a definitive fix for any spawn issues if you have any. And also please please do not believe in these ''spawn fixes'' made by syyke, those mods break the game more than anything else by forcing peds to spawn of trolleys and trains. This does not fix any issues if your game is struggling with ped culling already. The author employs heavy censorship in the nexus modpage, deleting every negative comment essentially tricking people to believe that the mod is amazing and better than in reality. Right now the more educated part of the modding community thinks that the cause of spawn issues is incorrect texture compression method employed by a lot of authors in the past. For example the newest update of Terrain Textures Overhaul contain over 20gb of textures and they all work flawlessly without problems at least while testing for spawn issues in the short term.
  5. There are ways to test yes, but we cannot really give guarantees of what will or won't cause issues at this point. Some people think it's streaming, some think its strictly .ytd (texture) files, nothing is comfirmed. I am not even sure if FileReplacement is really the answer that people are looking for as spawn issues can still happen with that. And we don't even know how Streaming differs from FileReplacement in a true sense....
  6. I understand your points and they are fair, I will just react o the thing you wrote about OCU LITE, it doesnt have online weapon support for 2 reasons: A. I didn't want to just shit all over energidaan's original work by uploading a mod that basically does the same as his (even if it's using vanilla assets). B. Some of the fixes for ambient sounds/ animations/ dialogues required me to disable online weapon sounds. so I could technically set up a working version with fixes, navy revolver for example wouldnt have any sound and I just didnt want that. Maybe with some audio hex editing skills this could be solved but I am no good at that and we dont have proper audio tools for RDR2. Ultimately its your choice of course and what is more important to you.
  7. Awesome! I'm glad it worked out in the end. On another note if anyone wants to further optimize their game I released a light version of Online Content Unlocker Check the description if it fits your mod needs. You wouldnt think at first that most MP dependant mods dont need much at all, so I cut down the things OCU enables and I also fixed some animation/sounds/dialogue issues that are present when using the og version of OCU. Check the mod on nexus and there's a video of the fixes. Currently does not support online weapons, so no RDO. https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/5304 and here is the video of the fixes:
  8. Yes, of course its possible. All a_c_horse........ .ymt would go into update_4.rpf\x64\packs\base\data\metapeds\metapeds.rpf\ which looks like this when mounted: update:/x64/packs/base/data/metapeds/metapeds/
  9. It's up ladies and gentlemen! Largest part of the video tackles install.xml optimization. Hope you'll enjoy.
  10. I think that is pure speculation, as you just said there is no evidence of replacing the highest numbered update file not doing the job in fact I think replacing every file is probably gonna tax the game more memory wise so probably not advised.
  11. Replacing the correct one is not that difficult, it should always be the highest numbered one, if its in update_1,2,3 etc then it will be update:/ If its in patchpack005 or something its gonna be dlc_patchpack005:/ just go for the highest numbered one BTW i will have my video about this and a full modding guide out early next week for anyone that is unsure of things. This part in particular is very detailed and I show the different ways you can do filereplacement
  12. Codex is currently locked behind patreon, but its rather cheap. It's better than OpenIV by miles when it comes to RDR2 but I would only recommend it if you are actually a bit serious about modding. https://www.patreon.com/c/dexyfex/
  13. It is indeed possible. Trains are unreliable anyway (most are scripted), testing trams and chickens is the best way (or find something else that is easy to reproduce on a constant basis). If you are getting 8/10 trams with people in St. Denis I'd say your game is stable at least when it comes to spawns. Those tram spawns are super low priority so if the game has memory management issues those will be heavily affected.
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