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  1. I share your sentimental. It's irritating that several other people have the exact same problem and symptom with LML crashing their game on start up on v. 1436.28, and all he/she ever does is saying things as if everyone with this problem are dumbarses who doesn't understand simple instructions on how and where to copy/paste a few files into the game's directory correctly, or if we are some kind of schizos being affected by mass hysteria phenomenon, ranting about ImAgInArY LmL cRaShEs v.1436 GaMes conspiracy theory, despite the fact that people suffering from this exact issue asking for help with no resolution outside of this site, we're still considered the crazy ones lmao. But hey, even-through he/she responded frequently with the same annoying and worthless answer, I doubt that person have anything to do with the mod nor is he/she capable of fixing the issue. The author was LMS, not WesternGamer. His/her handle isn't even on the acknowledgement. He/she probably thought he/she was helpful lol. Anyway, my advice is: A) Install the version 8 beta of LML and try it, I was able to get pass the shotgun screen with that version, but the game crashes half a second after I loaded my save. You might have better luck than me, so it's worth a try B) Just pir4te the 1311 version. It isn't hard to find one. Given that the only type of support we get around here is someone spamming virtually "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" over and over, it is definitely easier to find and pir4te the game than holding our breath and hope that this issue will get solved anytime soon. P.s. Just in case, Yes, my lml.ini, lml folder, ModManager.Core.dll, ModManager.NativeInterop.dll, NLog.dll, and vfs.asi are all in the same game's directory where the executable is. Yes, I have version.dll in the same directory, I tried running the game with it alone, ran it with both dinput8.dll and version.dll presented, and dinput8.dll alone. All same result, the game crashes at the same screen. Yes, I've tried using LML from version 6 beta to 9 beta, besides version 8 beta, it's the same result, the game crashes at the same screen. Version 8 beta is the most promising since it crashes after I've loaded my save. Yes, my save loaded fine without the mod loader. It's not my save being corrupted No, it's not my game being corrupt, it plays fine with and without mods installed, as long as the LML mod loader isn't installed No, it's not a mods conflict, I ran the game vanilla without any mod at all besides the LML mod loader and it crashes the game at the same shotgun screen. Yes, if I remove any of the LML .dll from the game directory, effectively making the mod loader inactive, the game plays without any issue. It's all boiled down to one thing: The f*ckin' mod loader is broken for a lot of people on build 1436.28. Not all of us are illiterate ret*rd who doesn't understand the simple process of elimination when troubleshooting. With all these results from trials and errors, and testimonies from several people who are facing the exact same problem, with exact same symptom, that seem to be solved miraculously when the mod loader is removed, who all share one common variable,which is their game's version. With all these things to consider, if you don't even have a shade of doubt that maybe the mod loader isn't working properly as you think it does, you're the one who's delusional, not us
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