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  1. At 122 hours it appears that sadly, unlike RDR1, once you've completed each random event they will never happen again (i.e you'll never get jumped on the same bridge twice). I have the ambient gang mod installed and the optional attack-on-sight addon but it would be cool if there was some way to integrate it with the pre-existing system bounty hunters coming for you use where they can spawn anywhere at any time in a posse and hold you up/attack you. Instead of being taken in you get robbed unless they just straight up kill you. It would also be cool if they would rob random NPC's too and you could intervene. RDR1 felt more alive because things like this existed.
  2. A mod where gangs ambush you using the same random-generation system the bounty hunters do. Instead of being arrested, surrendering gives up money. It seems the ambushes in the game happen once each and never respawn like they did in RDR1, which I miss terribly, terribly, terribly, along with all the other endless randomly generated encounters, because they made the wild west feel wild and alive. I love the Ambient Gangs mod but the shoot-on-sight option isn't the same and doesn't make sense why a gang member would try to kill you in the middle of town while surrounded by lawmen.
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