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    United States
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  1. A alter sig since the current one land on argument of the function this one land into the function initial: 48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 68 10 48 89 70 18 48 89 78 20
  2. Hi, anyone has issues on register own sprites on game. The ytd file is convert with RedM and is usabled on RDR2 but maybe there is something wrong. First i think the signature is good i land on the function: _DWORD *__fastcall RegisterTextureFile(_DWORD *a1, __int64 a2, char a3, __int64 a4, char a5, char a6) Code : typedef uint32_t* (__cdecl* FileRegister) (int*, const char*, bool, const char*, bool, bool); static FileRegister RegisterTextureFile = (FileRegister)(sc.scan("48 8B CE B2 01 4D 8B F9 45 8A E0 E8").As<decltype(RegisterTextureFile)>()); Later i used: RegisterTextureFile(&textureID, StringToChar(holder), true, "texture.ytd", true, true); Where holder is the patch to the file .ytd on this case a folder on Desktop. texture.ytd is the name of the file. Others bool args take from super old scripts that i found RegisterTextureFile(&textureID, StringToChar(holder), true, "texture.ytd", true, true); With this i can general enter on game and see Arthur but one time i click on game windows, the game just crash.
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