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RDR2 NativeDB

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7154 natives found

  1. int ADD_ROPE ( float x, float y, float p10, BOOL p11, BOOL p12, BOOL rigid, float p14, BOOL breakWhenShot, Any* unkPtr, BOOL p17 )  //0xE832D760399EB220

    • 3
    • 1,533
    • 1207
  2. void NETWORK_SET_FRIENDLY_FIRE_OPTION ( BOOL toggle )  //0xF808475FA571D823

    • 1
    • 1,142
    • 1207
  3. BOOL GET_PED_LAST_WEAPON_IMPACT_COORD ( Ped ped, Vector3* coords )  //0x6C4D0409BA1A2BC2

    • 4
    • 1,549
    • 1207
  4. void _SET_DEADEYE_TAGGING_CONFIG ( Player player, int filter )  //0x83FCD6921FC8FD05

    • 1
    • 359
    • 1207
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