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115 natives in namespace STREAMING

  1. void REQUEST_COLLISION_FOR_MODEL ( Hash model )  //0xF1767BE37F661551

    • 0
    • 310
    • 1207
  2. void REQUEST_IPL_BY_HASH ( Hash iplHash )  //0x9E211A378F95C97C

    • 0
    • 259
    • 1207
  3. void REQUEST_IPL_HASH ( Hash iplHash )  //0x59767C5A7A9AE6DA

    • 0
    • 456
    • 1207
  4. void REQUEST_MODEL ( Hash model, BOOL p1 )  //0xFA28FE3A6246FC30

    • 0
    • 1,062
    • 1207
  5. void REQUEST_MOVE_NETWORK_DEF ( const char* name )  //0x2B6529C54D29037A

    • 0
    • 292
    • 1207
  6. void REQUEST_NAMED_PTFX_ASSET ( Hash fxNameHash )  //0xF2B2353BBC0D4E8F

    • 0
    • 515
    • 1207
  7. void REQUEST_PTFX_ASSET ()  //0x001FF43843028E0C

    • 0
    • 415
    • 1207
  8. void SET_FOCUS_ENTITY ( Entity entity )  //0x955AEDD58F4BD309

    • 0
    • 229
    • 1207
  9. void SET_FOCUS_POS_AND_VEL ( float x, float y, float z, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ )  //0x25F6EF88664540E2

    • 0
    • 257
    • 1207
  10. void SET_GAME_PAUSES_FOR_STREAMING ( BOOL toggle )  //0xB3BC8250F4FE8B63

    • 0
    • 262
    • 1207
  11. void SET_HD_AREA ( float x, float y, float z, float radius )  //0xB88B905AFA35CB4D

    • 0
    • 204
    • 1207
  12. void SET_MAPDATACULLBOX_ENABLED ( const char* name, BOOL toggle )  //0x3CACC83F6FED837C

    • 0
    • 254
    • 1207
  13. void SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED ( Hash model )  //0x4AD96EF928BD4F9A

    • 0
    • 382
    • 1207
  14. void SET_POPULATION_BUDGET_MULTIPLIER ( float fBudgetMultiplier )  //0x2F9AC754FE179D58

    • 0
    • 319
    • 1207
  15. void SET_SRL_TIME ( float p0 )  //0x18231AEF458BCFF2

    • 0
    • 205
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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