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8 natives in namespace SHAPETEST

  1. ScrHandle START_SHAPE_TEST_LOS_PROBE ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, int flags, Entity entity, int p8 )  //0x7EE9F5D83DD4F90E

    • 0
    • 325
    • 1207
  2. Any _0x04AA59CA40571C2E ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x04AA59CA40571C2E

    • 0
    • 285
    • 1207
  3. ScrHandle START_EXPENSIVE_SYNCHRONOUS_SHAPE_TEST_LOS_PROBE ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, int flags, Entity entityToIgnore, int p8 )  //0x377906D8A31E5586

    • 0
    • 566
    • 1207
  4. ScrHandle START_SHAPE_TEST_BOX ( float x, float y, Any p10, Any entity, Any p12, float z, float x1, float y2, float z2, float rotX )  //0xFE466162C4401D18

    • 0
    • 395
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  5. ScrHandle START_SHAPE_TEST_CAPSULE ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float radius, int flags, Entity entityToIgnore, int p9 )  //0x28579D1B8F8AAC80

    • 0
    • 424
    • 1207
  6. ScrHandle START_SHAPE_TEST_SWEPT_SPHERE ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float radius, int flags, Entity entity, Any p9 )  //0xAA5B7C8309F73230

    • 0
    • 310
    • 1207
  7. ScrHandle _START_SHAPE_TEST_SURROUNDING_COORDS ( Vector3* pVec1, Vector3* pVec2, int flag, Entity entity, int flag2 )  //0x9839013D8B6014F1

    • 0
    • 290
    • 1207
  8. int GET_SHAPE_TEST_RESULT ( ScrHandle shapeTestHandle, BOOL* hit, Vector3* endCoords, Vector3* surfaceNormal, Entity* entityHit )  //0xEDE8AC7C5108FB1D

    • 0
    • 468
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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