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395 natives in namespace PLAYER

  1. int SET_PLAYER_MODEL ( Player player, Hash modelHash, BOOL p2 )  //0xED40380076A31506

    • 0
    • 1,768
    • 1207
  2. Ped GET_PLAYER_PED ( Player playerIndex )  //0x275F255ED201B937

    • 0
    • 1,583
    • 1207
  3. void CLEAR_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player )  //0x4E4B996C928C7AA6

    • 1
    • 827
    • 1207
  4. void SET_EVERYONE_IGNORE_PLAYER ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0x34630A768925B852

    • 0
    • 795
    • 1207
  5. void RESTORE_PLAYER_STAMINA ( Player player, float p1 )  //0xC41F4B6E23FE6A4A

    • 1
    • 788
    • 1207
  6. void SET_WANTED_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER ( float multiplier )  //0xD7FA719CB54866C2

    • 0
    • 764
    • 1207
  7. BOOL IS_PLAYER_DEAD ( Player player )  //0x2E9C3FCB6798F397

    • 0
    • 741
    • 1207
  8. Ped GET_PLAYER_PED_SCRIPT_INDEX ( Player playerIndex )  //0x5C880F9056D784C8

    • 0
    • 638
    • 1207
  9. Ped PLAYER_PED_ID ()  //0x096275889B8E0EE0

    • 0
    • 622
    • 1207
  10. BOOL GET_ENTITY_PLAYER_IS_FREE_AIMING_AT ( Player player, Entity* entity )  //0xA6817C110B830EAD

    • 0
    • 612
    • 1207
  11. void START_PLAYER_TELEPORT ( Player player, float x, float y, float z, float heading, BOOL p5, BOOL p6, BOOL p7, BOOL p8 )  //0xDF8822C55EDDA65B

    • 0
    • 592
    • 1207
  12. int _ACTIVATE_DEAD_EYE ( Player player_id )  //0xBBA140062B15A8AC

    • 0
    • 591
    • 1207
  13. void SET_PLAYER_INVINCIBLE ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0xFEBEEBC9CBDF4B12

    • 0
    • 589
    • 1207
  14. float _GET_PLAYER_HEALTH_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER ( Player player )  //0x22CD23BB0C45E0CD

    • 1
    • 585
    • 1207
  15. void SET_PLAYER_TARGETING_MODE ( int targetMode )  //0xD66A941F401E7302

    • 0
    • 577
    • 1207
  16. void SET_PLAYER_CONTROL ( Player player, BOOL toggle, int flags, BOOL bPreventHeadingChange )  //0x4D51E59243281D80

    • 0
    • 562
    • 1207
  17. BOOL GET_PLAYER_TARGET_ENTITY ( Player player, Entity* entity )  //0xAE663DDD99C8A670

    • 0
    • 558
    • 1207
  18. void SET_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player, int wantedLevel, BOOL disableNoMission )  //0x384D4765395E006C

    • 0
    • 554
    • 1207
  19. int GET_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player )  //0xABC532F9098BFD9D

    • 0
    • 544
    • 1207
  20. void SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL ( int maxWantedLevel )  //0x28A4BD2CEE236E19

    • 0
    • 512
    • 1207
  21. void SET_POLICE_RADAR_BLIPS ( BOOL toggle )  //0x6FD7DD6B63F2820E

    • 0
    • 510
    • 1207
  22. void FORCE_CLEANUP ( int cleanupFlags )  //0x768C017FB878E4F4

    • 0
    • 510
    • 1207
  23. BOOL _GET_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_FOR_PED_IS_ENABLED ( Player player, Ped ped, int promptType, int promptMode )  //0xEA8F168A76A0B9BC

    • 1
    • 507
    • 1207
  24. void RESTORE_SPECIAL_ABILITY ( Player player, int p1, BOOL p2 )  //0x1D77B47AFA584E90

    • 0
    • 496
    • 1207
  25. void SET_PLAYER_FORCED_AIM ( Player player, BOOL toggle, Ped ped, int p3, BOOL p4 )  //0xD5FCC166AEB2FD0F

    • 0
    • 491
    • 1207
  26. BOOL IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_ENTITY ( Player player, Entity entity, BOOL p2 )  //0x27F89FDC16688A7A

    • 0
    • 467
    • 1207
  27. void _MODIFY_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_FOR_PED ( Player player, Ped ped, int promptType, int promptMode, BOOL enabled )  //0xA3DB37EDF9A74635

    • 0
    • 464
    • 1207
  28. void SET_PLAYER_LOCKON ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0x462AA1973CBBA75E

    • 0
    • 448
    • 1207
  29. void SET_PLAYER_WEAPON_DAMAGE_MODIFIER ( Player player, float modifier )  //0x94D529F7B73D7A85

    • 0
    • 441
    • 1207
  30. Vehicle GET_PLAYERS_LAST_VEHICLE ()  //0x2F96E7720B0B19EA

    • 0
    • 437
    • 1207
  31. Ped _GET_PLAYER_PED_2 ( Player player )  //0x5EBE38A20BC51C27

    • 0
    • 428
    • 1207
  32. void SIMULATE_PLAYER_INPUT_GAIT ( Player player, float amount, int gaitType, float speed, BOOL p4, BOOL p5 )  //0xFA0C063C422C4355

    • 1
    • 418
    • 1207
  33. void _SET_PED_ACTIVE_PLAYER_HORSE ( Player player, Ped horse )  //0x8FBF9EDB378CCB8C

    • 0
    • 415
    • 1207
  34. Player PLAYER_ID ()  //0x217E9DC48139933D

    • 0
    • 410
    • 1207
  35. void _SET_PED_AS_SADDLE_HORSE_FOR_PLAYER ( Player player, Ped mount )  //0xD2CB0FB0FDCB473D

    • 0
    • 409
    • 1207
  36. BOOL IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_ANYTHING ( Player player )  //0x4605C66E0F935F83

    • 0
    • 406
    • 1207
  37. BOOL IS_PLAYER_PLAYING ( Player player )  //0xBFFB35986CAAE58C

    • 0
    • 397
    • 1207
  38. const char* GET_PLAYER_NAME ( Player player )  //0x7124FD9AC0E01BA0

    • 0
    • 396
    • 1207
  39. void DISABLE_PLAYER_FIRING ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0x2970929FD5F9FC89

    • 0
    • 377
    • 1207
  40. void SET_PLAYER_HEALTH_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER ( Player player, float regenRate )  //0x8899C244EBCF70DE

    • 0
    • 365
    • 1207
  41. void _SET_DEADEYE_TAGGING_CONFIG ( Player player, int filter )  //0x83FCD6921FC8FD05

    • 1
    • 363
    • 1207
  42. void _0xD0B0B044112BF424 ( Player player )  //0xD0B0B044112BF424

    • 0
    • 348
    • 1207
  43. BOOL GET_PLAYER_INVINCIBLE ( Player player )  //0x0CBBCB2CCFA7DC4E

    • 0
    • 347
    • 1207
  44. BOOL SET_PED_AS_TEMP_PLAYER_HORSE ( Player player, Ped horse )  //0x227B06324234FB09

    • 0
    • 347
    • 1207
  45. BOOL IS_PLAYER_FREE_AIMING ( Player player )  //0x936F967D4BE1CE9D

    • 0
    • 346
    • 1207
  46. Any _0xA82964B9D8D6A983 ()  //0xA82964B9D8D6A983

    • 0
    • 343
    • 1207
  47. int GET_PLAYER_TEAM ( Player player )  //0xB464EB6A40C7975B

    • 0
    • 340
    • 1207
  48. void SET_SWIM_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYER ( Player player, float multiplier )  //0xBFCEABDE34DA5085

    • 0
    • 339
    • 1207
  49. void _ENABLE_EAGLEEYE ( Player player, BOOL enable )  //0xA63FCAD3A6FEC6D2

    • 0
    • 339
    • 1207
  50. void _0x93624B36E8851B42 ( Player player )  //0x93624B36E8851B42

    • 0
    • 338
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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