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395 natives in namespace PLAYER

  1. Ped GET_PLAYER_PED ( Player playerIndex )  //0x275F255ED201B937

    • 0
    • 1,583
    • 1207
  2. Ped _GET_PLAYER_PED_2 ( Player player )  //0x5EBE38A20BC51C27

    • 0
    • 428
    • 1207
  3. void _0x325434C68358D282 ( BOOL toggle )  //0x325434C68358D282

    • 0
    • 315
    • 1207
  4. Ped GET_PLAYER_PED_SCRIPT_INDEX ( Player playerIndex )  //0x5C880F9056D784C8

    • 0
    • 638
    • 1207
  5. int SET_PLAYER_MODEL ( Player player, Hash modelHash, BOOL p2 )  //0xED40380076A31506

    • 0
    • 1,768
    • 1207
  6. BOOL _IS_PLAYER_PED_VALID ( Player player )  //0x0760D6F70EBCC05C

    • 0
    • 320
    • 1207
  7. int GET_PLAYER_TEAM ( Player player )  //0xB464EB6A40C7975B

    • 0
    • 340
    • 1207
  8. void SET_PLAYER_TEAM ( Player player, int team, BOOL bRestrictToThisScript )  //0xE8DD8536F01DE600

    • 0
    • 267
    • 1207
  9. const char* GET_PLAYER_NAME ( Player player )  //0x7124FD9AC0E01BA0

    • 0
    • 396
    • 1207
  10. const char* _FORMAT_PLAYER_NAME_STRING ( const char* string )  //0x5B6193813E03E4E9

    • 0
    • 278
    • 1207
  11. float GET_WANTED_LEVEL_RADIUS ( int p0 )  //0x80B00EB26D9521C7

    • 0
    • 330
    • 1207
  12. int GET_WANTED_LEVEL_THRESHOLD ( int wantedLevel )  //0x1B1A3B358F7D8F07

    • 0
    • 283
    • 1207
  13. void SET_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player, int wantedLevel, BOOL disableNoMission )  //0x384D4765395E006C

    • 0
    • 554
    • 1207
  14. BOOL IS_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL_GREATER ( Player player, int wantedLevel )  //0xE1C0AD4C24324C36

    • 0
    • 306
    • 1207
  15. void CLEAR_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player )  //0x4E4B996C928C7AA6

    • 1
    • 827
    • 1207
  16. BOOL IS_PLAYER_DEAD ( Player player )  //0x2E9C3FCB6798F397

    • 0
    • 741
    • 1207
  17. void SET_PLAYER_CONTROL ( Player player, BOOL toggle, int flags, BOOL bPreventHeadingChange )  //0x4D51E59243281D80

    • 0
    • 562
    • 1207
  18. int GET_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL ( Player player )  //0xABC532F9098BFD9D

    • 0
    • 544
    • 1207
  19. void SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL ( int maxWantedLevel )  //0x28A4BD2CEE236E19

    • 0
    • 512
    • 1207
  20. void _SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL_2 ( int maxWantedLevel )  //0xEA6DE0CD15AECBE2

    • 0
    • 259
    • 1207
  21. void SET_POLICE_RADAR_BLIPS ( BOOL toggle )  //0x6FD7DD6B63F2820E

    • 0
    • 510
    • 1207
  22. BOOL IS_PLAYER_PLAYING ( Player player )  //0xBFFB35986CAAE58C

    • 0
    • 397
    • 1207
  23. void SET_EVERYONE_IGNORE_PLAYER ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0x34630A768925B852

    • 0
    • 795
    • 1207
  24. BOOL GET_IS_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_ACTIVE ( Player player, int p1 )  //0x51BEA356B1C60225

    • 0
    • 274
    • 1207
  25. void _MODIFY_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT ( Player p0, int p1, int p2, BOOL p3 )  //0x0751D461F06E41CE

    • 0
    • 336
    • 1207
  26. BOOL _GET_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_IS_DISABLED ( Player player, int promptType, int promptMode )  //0x6614F9039BD31931

    • 0
    • 289
    • 1207
  27. void _MODIFY_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_FOR_PED ( Player player, Ped ped, int promptType, int promptMode, BOOL enabled )  //0xA3DB37EDF9A74635

    • 0
    • 464
    • 1207
  28. BOOL _GET_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_FOR_PED_IS_ENABLED ( Player player, Ped ped, int promptType, int promptMode )  //0xEA8F168A76A0B9BC

    • 1
    • 507
    • 1207
  29. void _0x93624B36E8851B42 ( Player player )  //0x93624B36E8851B42

    • 0
    • 338
    • 1207
  30. void _0x9073EC5456651A90 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x9073EC5456651A90

    • 0
    • 281
    • 1207
  31. void _0x2E67707BEC52CA4B ( Any p0 )  //0x2E67707BEC52CA4B

    • 0
    • 336
    • 1207
  32. void SET_ALL_RANDOM_PEDS_FLEE ( Player player, BOOL toggle )  //0xE705309B8C6445A4

    • 0
    • 288
    • 1207
  33. void SET_ALL_RANDOM_PEDS_FLEE_THIS_FRAME ( Player player )  //0xD5C198A62F1DEB0A

    • 0
    • 290
    • 1207
  34. void _0x16752DAA7E6D3F72 ( Player player )  //0x16752DAA7E6D3F72

    • 0
    • 274
    • 1207
  35. void _0x1D256EED194F5B58 ( Any p0 )  //0x1D256EED194F5B58

    • 0
    • 264
    • 1207
  36. Any _0x5B7B97E99F84138B ( Any p0 )  //0x5B7B97E99F84138B

    • 0
    • 329
    • 1207
  37. void _0x8674D138391FFB1B ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x8674D138391FFB1B

    • 0
    • 289
    • 1207
  38. Any _0xA82964B9D8D6A983 ()  //0xA82964B9D8D6A983

    • 0
    • 343
    • 1207
  39. void SET_WANTED_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER ( float multiplier )  //0xD7FA719CB54866C2

    • 0
    • 764
    • 1207
  40. void RESET_WANTED_LEVEL_DIFFICULTY ( Player player )  //0x062D14F18E8B0CAE

    • 0
    • 307
    • 1207
  41. void _0xD0B0B044112BF424 ( Player player )  //0xD0B0B044112BF424

    • 0
    • 348
    • 1207
  42. void _0x96722257E5381E00 ( Player player )  //0x96722257E5381E00

    • 0
    • 275
    • 1207
  43. void REPORT_POLICE_SPOTTED_PLAYER ( Player player )  //0xCBCCF73FFA69CC6B

    • 0
    • 275
    • 1207
  44. void _0xD2DFC9CCA5596A11 ( float p0 )  //0xD2DFC9CCA5596A11

    • 0
    • 290
    • 1207
  45. void _0x5CE5CACC01D0F985 ()  //0x5CE5CACC01D0F985

    • 0
    • 273
    • 1207
  46. BOOL CAN_PLAYER_START_MISSION ( Player player )  //0x2DF170B1185AF777

    • 0
    • 316
    • 1207
  47. BOOL IS_PLAYER_READY_FOR_CUTSCENE ( Player player )  //0xAA67BCB0097F2FA3

    • 0
    • 338
    • 1207
  48. BOOL IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_ENTITY ( Player player, Entity entity, BOOL p2 )  //0x27F89FDC16688A7A

    • 0
    • 467
    • 1207
  49. BOOL GET_PLAYER_TARGET_ENTITY ( Player player, Entity* entity )  //0xAE663DDD99C8A670

    • 0
    • 559
    • 1207
  50. BOOL _0x927861B2C08DBEA5 ( Player player )  //0x927861B2C08DBEA5

    • 0
    • 271
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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