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Native Details

  • NameADD_ROPE
  • NamespacePHYSICS
  • Native Hash0xE832D760399EB220
  • Typeint
  • First seen version1207

Native Parameters

  • Parameter 0float x
  • Parameter 1float y
  • Parameter 2float p10
  • Parameter 3BOOL p11
  • Parameter 4BOOL p12
  • Parameter 5BOOL rigid
  • Parameter 6float p14
  • Parameter 7BOOL breakWhenShot
  • Parameter 8Any* unkPtr
  • Parameter 9BOOL p17


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Has anyone used that and can properly explain how to attach it e.g. to the arm of an NPC? (like arresting someone, handcuffing him and leading him with a rope to the sheriff)

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There are 19 types of rope, from type = 0 to type = 18


Rope definitions are stored in ropedata.xml


Rope types 0, 15 and 18 have proper physics for hanging... objects (taut, do not sag, small to medium diameter, good aspect for a rope)


From TYL code, credit goes to Shtivi:


ropeId = ROPE::ADD_ROPE(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, 0, 0, 0, length, random_rope, length + 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, true, false, false, 2.0f, false, 0, true); // adds a rope of random type into the world (it is not yet attached, has no physics)

It is set as rigid = false (helps with not sagging, is not elastic either) and breakwhenshot = false

ROPE::_0x462FF2A432733A44(ropeId, entity1, entity2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Any*)bone1, (Any*)bone2); // self-explanatory, binds two bones from two entities; one entity can be an object, i.e. a suspension point, the other an NPC bone


ROPE::_0x3C6490D940FF5D0B(ropeId, 0, (Any*)"noose01x_Rope_03", length, 0); // not having this disables winding



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I know it's been a while, but would you by any chance know some more models, that can be used for this or maybe where I can find them? I'm specifically looking for something with a smaller hitbox, like a chain link or something like that. Spawning in a chain with the one you provided makes it look like the chain is made up of stiff sticks and it looks a bit weird unless the chain is very long. Works pretty well for normal ropes tho.


And while I'm on topic, I realised that the chain model tends to stretch with longer distances, especially when winding is enabled (for example one chain link suddenly stretches for an arm length and looks warped). Is there a known way to prevent this or is this just something we can't fix right now?


Thanks in advance!

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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