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76 natives in namespace PATHFIND

  1. BOOL GET_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE ( float x, float y, float z, Vector3* outPosition, int nodeType, float p5, float p6 )  //0x240A18690AE96513

    • 0
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  2. Any _0xCA27A86CAA4E98ED ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5, Any p6 )  //0xCA27A86CAA4E98ED

    • 0
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  3. BOOL GET_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_WITH_HEADING ( float x, float y, float z, Vector3* outPosition, float* outHeading, int nodeType, float p6, int p7 )  //0x23CFFD4CCB243354

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  4. BOOL GET_NTH_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE ( float x, float y, float z, int nthClosest, Vector3* outPosition, int unknown1, float unknown2, Any unknown3 )  //0x5A6D8DF6FBC5D0C4

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  5. int GET_NTH_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_ID ( float x, float y, float z, int nth, int nodetype, float p5, float p6 )  //0x116443008E5CEFC3

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  6. BOOL GET_NTH_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_WITH_HEADING ( float x, float y, float z, int nthClosest, Vector3* outPosition, float* heading, Any* unknown1, int unknown2, float unknown3, float unknown4 )  //0x591B40D4390DB54A

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  7. BOOL GET_NTH_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_ID_WITH_HEADING ( float x, float y, float z, int nthClosest, Vector3* outPosition, float outHeading, Any p6, float p7, float p8 )  //0x4114EAA8A7F7766D

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  8. BOOL GET_NTH_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_FAVOUR_DIRECTION ( float x, float y, Any p10, Any p11, float z, float desiredX, float desiredY, float desiredZ, int nthClosest, Vector3* outPosition )  //0x2FAC235A6062F14A

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  9. BOOL IS_VEHICLE_NODE_ID_VALID ( int vehicleNodeId )  //0x5829A02AF4F0B3CB

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  10. void GET_VEHICLE_NODE_POSITION ( int nodeId, Vector3* outPosition )  //0x8E8D72FF24DEE1FB

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  11. BOOL GET_VEHICLE_NODE_IS_SWITCHED_OFF ( int nodeID )  //0x28533DBDDF7C2C97

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  12. Any GET_CLOSEST_ROAD ( float x, float y, BOOL p10, float z, float p3, int p4, Vector3* p5, Vector3* p6, Any* p7, Any* p8 )  //0x132F52BBA570FE92

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  13. BOOL ARE_NODES_LOADED_FOR_AREA ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )  //0xF7B79A50B905A30D

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  14. BOOL REQUEST_PATHS_PREFER_ACCURATE_BOUNDINGSTRUCT ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )  //0x07FB139B592FA687

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  15. BOOL GET_RANDOM_VEHICLE_NODE ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, BOOL p4, BOOL p5, BOOL p6, Vector3* outPosition, int* nodeId )  //0x93E0DB8440B73A7D

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  16. void _GET_SPAWN_DATA_FOR_ROAD_NODE ( int nodeId, float x, float y, float z, Vector3* outCoords, float* heading )  //0xA3791B915B8B84C6

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  17. BOOL IS_POINT_ON_ROAD ( float x, float y, float z, Vehicle vehicle )  //0x125BF4ABFC536B09

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  18. void SET_PED_PATHS_IN_AREA ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, BOOL unknown, Any p7 )  //0x34F060F4BF92E018

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  19. void _0xE5EF9DE716FF737E ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2 )  //0xE5EF9DE716FF737E

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  20. BOOL GET_SAFE_COORD_FOR_PED ( float x, float y, float z, BOOL onGround, Vector3* outPosition, int flags )  //0xB61C8E878A4199CA

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  21. void SET_PED_PATHS_BACK_TO_ORIGINAL ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5, Any p6 )  //0xE04B48F2CC926253

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  22. void _0xCF213A5FC3ABFC08 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2 )  //0xCF213A5FC3ABFC08

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  23. void ADD_NAVMESH_REQUIRED_REGION ( float x, float y, float radius )  //0x387EAD7EE42F6685

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  24. BOOL IS_NAVMESH_LOADED_IN_AREA ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 )  //0xF813C7E63F9062A5

    • 0
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  25. int GET_NUM_NAVMESHES_EXISTING_IN_AREA ( float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, float p4, float p5 )  //0x01708E8DD3FF8C65

    • 0
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  26. BOOL _NAVMESH_ACTIVATE_SWAP ( const char* name )  //0x7C334FF4D9215912

    • 0
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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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