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Native Details

  • NamespacePAD
  • Native Hash0x580417101DDB492F
  • TypeBOOL
  • First seen version1207

Native Parameters


Xbox controller controls

  • A = INPUT_FRONTEND_ACCEPT (3350541322)
  • B = INPUT_FRONTEND_CANCEL (359624985)
  • X = INPUT_FRONTEND_X (1840825903)
  • Y = INPUT_FRONTEND_Y (2080465600)
  • LB = INPUT_FRONTEND_LB (3901091606)
  • RB = INPUT_FRONTEND_RB (398377320)
  • LT = INPUT_FRONTEND_LT (1360019509)
  • RT = INPUT_FRONTEND_RT (1877832124)
  • LS pressed = INPUT_FRONTEND_LS (1137550768)
  • RS pressed = INPUT_FRONTEND_RS (2107936042)
  • LS moved right = INPUT_FRONTEND_AXIS_X (4216773979)
  • LS moved down = INPUT_FRONTEND_AXIS_Y (152139984)
  • RS moved right = INPUT_FRONTEND_RIGHT_AXIS_X (1025725594)
  • RS moved down = INPUT_FRONTEND_RIGHT_AXIS_Y (3946918111)
  • D-pad up = INPUT_FRONTEND_UP (1662638961)
  • D-pad down = INPUT_FRONTEND_DOWN(97156178)
  • INPUT_FRONTEND_LEFT and INPUT_FRONTEND_RIGHT work as X and B for some reason

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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