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153 natives in namespace OBJECT

  1. Object CREATE_OBJECT ( Hash modelHash, float x, float y, float z, BOOL isNetwork, BOOL bScriptHostObj, BOOL dynamic, BOOL p7, BOOL p8 )  //0x509D5878EB39E842

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  2. Object CREATE_OBJECT_NO_OFFSET ( Hash modelHash, float x, float y, float z, BOOL isNetwork, BOOL bScriptHostObj, BOOL dynamic, BOOL p7 )  //0x9A294B2138ABB884

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  3. void DELETE_OBJECT ( Object* object )  //0x931914268722C263

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  4. BOOL PLACE_OBJECT_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY ( Object object, BOOL p1 )  //0x58A850EAEE20FAA3

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  5. BOOL SLIDE_OBJECT ( Object object, float toX, float toY, float toZ, float speedX, float speedY, float speedZ, BOOL collision )  //0x2FDFF4107B8C1147

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  6. void SET_OBJECT_TARGETTABLE ( Object object, BOOL targettable )  //0x8A7391690F5AFD81

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  7. void _SET_OBJECT_TARGETTABLE_2 ( Object object, BOOL targettable )  //0x581EDBE56E8D62C9

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  8. Any SET_OBJECT_TARGETTABLE_ ( Object object, BOOL unk1, BOOL unk2 )  //0xA22712E8471AA08E

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  9. void _0xF6E88489B4E6EBE5 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xF6E88489B4E6EBE5

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  10. void _0xE157A8A336C7F04A ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xE157A8A336C7F04A

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  11. void _0x46CBCF0E98A4E156 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x46CBCF0E98A4E156

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  12. Object GET_CLOSEST_OBJECT_OF_TYPE ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, Hash modelHash, BOOL isMission, BOOL p6, BOOL p7 )  //0xE143FA2249364369

    • 0
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  13. BOOL HAS_OBJECT_BEEN_BROKEN ( Any p0 )  //0x8ABFB70C49CC43E2

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  14. BOOL HAS_CLOSEST_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_BEEN_BROKEN ( float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, Hash modelHash, Any p5 )  //0x761B0E69AC4D007E

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  15. Vector3 _GET_OBJECT_OFFSET_FROM_COORDS ( float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float heading, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset )  //0x163E252DE035A133

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  16. void _ADD_DOOR_TO_SYSTEM_NEW ( Hash doorHash, BOOL p1, BOOL p2, BOOL p3, int threadId, int p5, BOOL p6 )  //0xD99229FE93B46286

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  18. void REMOVE_DOOR_FROM_SYSTEM ( Hash doorHash )  //0x464D8E1427156FE4

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  19. void DOOR_SYSTEM_SET_DOOR_STATE ( Hash doorHash, int state )  //0x6BAB9442830C7F53

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  20. int DOOR_SYSTEM_GET_DOOR_STATE ( Hash doorHash )  //0x160AA1B32F6139B8

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  21. void DOOR_SYSTEM_SET_AUTOMATIC_RATE ( Hash doorHash, float rate )  //0x03C27E13B42A0E82

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  22. void DOOR_SYSTEM_SET_AUTOMATIC_DISTANCE ( Hash doorHash, float distance )  //0x9BA001CB45CBF627

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  23. void _0xB3B1546D23DF8DE1 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4 )  //0xB3B1546D23DF8DE1

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  24. void DOOR_SYSTEM_SET_OPEN_RATIO ( Hash doorHash, float ajar, BOOL forceUpdate )  //0xB6E6FBA95C7324AC

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  25. void _0x3A77DAE8B4FD7586 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x3A77DAE8B4FD7586

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  27. BOOL _IS_DOOR_REGISTERED_WITH_OWNER ( Hash doorHash )  //0x4F89DAD4156BA145

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  28. void _DOOR_SYSTEM_CHANGE_SCRIPT_OWNER ( Hash doorHash )  //0x985767F5FA45BC44

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  29. float _DOOR_SYSTEM_GET_AUTOMATIC_RATE ( Hash doorHash )  //0x8433E1954BE323FC

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  30. Any _0x6E2AA80BB0C03728 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x6E2AA80BB0C03728

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  31. void _0x1BC47A9DEDC8DF5D ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x1BC47A9DEDC8DF5D

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  32. float DOOR_SYSTEM_GET_OPEN_RATIO ( Hash doorHash )  //0x65499865FCA6E5EC

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  33. void _0x7F458B543006C8FE ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x7F458B543006C8FE

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  34. Any _0xACD4F9831DFAD7F5 ( Any p0 )  //0xACD4F9831DFAD7F5

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  35. void _0x0C0A373D181BF900 ( Any p0 )  //0x0C0A373D181BF900

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  36. void _0xA93F925F1942E434 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xA93F925F1942E434

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  37. Any _0x4D8611DFE1126478 ( Any p0 )  //0x4D8611DFE1126478

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  38. void _0x57C242543B7B8FB9 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x57C242543B7B8FB9

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  39. void _0x4AE07EBA3462C5D5 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x4AE07EBA3462C5D5

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  40. void _0x22031584496CFB70 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x22031584496CFB70

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  41. void _0xC07B91B996C1DE89 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xC07B91B996C1DE89

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  42. BOOL IS_DOOR_REGISTERED_WITH_SYSTEM ( Hash doorHash )  //0xC153C43EA202C8C1

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  43. BOOL IS_DOOR_CLOSED ( Hash doorHash )  //0xC531EE8A1145A149

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  44. Any _0x0943113E02322164 ( Object object, int p1 )  //0x0943113E02322164

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  45. Any _0x614D0B4533F842D3 ( Any p0 )  //0x614D0B4533F842D3

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  46. void _DOOR_SYSTEM_FORCE_SHUT ( Hash doorHash, BOOL p1 )  //0x276AAF0F1C7F2494

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  47. Any _0xEBA314768FB35D58 ( Any p0 )  //0xEBA314768FB35D58

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  48. void _0x5230BF34EB0EC645 ( Any p0 )  //0x5230BF34EB0EC645

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  49. BOOL DOES_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_EXIST_AT_COORDS ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, Hash hash, BOOL p5 )  //0xBFA48E2FF417213F

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  50. BOOL IS_POINT_IN_ANGLED_AREA ( float p0, float p1, BOOL p10, BOOL p11, float p2, float p3, float p4, float p5, float p6, float p7 )  //0x2A70BAE8883E4C81

    • 0
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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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