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30 natives in namespace INTERIOR

  1. BOOL IS_VALID_INTERIOR ( Interior interior )  //0x017C1B3159F79F6C

    • 0
    • 539
    • 1207
  2. void GET_INTERIOR_LOCATION_AND_NAMEHASH ( Interior interior, Vector3* position, Hash* nameHash )  //0x8451E87D3C2B0286

    • 0
    • 378
    • 1207
  3. Hash _GET_INTERIOR_MINIMAP_HASH ( Interior interior )  //0x3039BE60B3749716

    • 0
    • 345
    • 1207
  4. Vector3 _GET_INTERIOR_POSITION ( Interior interior )  //0x2C9746D0CA15BE1C

    • 0
    • 325
    • 1207
  5. BOOL IS_INTERIOR_SCENE ()  //0x4200F14D6F840A9A

    • 0
    • 426
    • 1207
  6. void CLEAR_ROOM_FOR_ENTITY ( Entity entity )  //0xA1762D5BBFCA13A8

    • 0
    • 297
    • 1207
  7. void FORCE_ROOM_FOR_ENTITY ( Entity entity, Interior interior, Hash roomHashKey )  //0xBC29A9894C976945

    • 0
    • 321
    • 1207
  8. Hash GET_ROOM_KEY_FROM_ENTITY ( Entity entity )  //0x076E46E0EB52AFC6

    • 0
    • 371
    • 1207
  9. Hash GET_KEY_FOR_ENTITY_IN_ROOM ( Entity entity )  //0x27D7B6F79E1F4603

    • 0
    • 285
    • 1207
  10. Interior GET_INTERIOR_FROM_ENTITY ( Entity entity )  //0xB417689857646F61

    • 0
    • 399
    • 1207
  11. void RETAIN_ENTITY_IN_INTERIOR ( Entity entity, Interior interior )  //0x5BD616735F16BF5C

    • 0
    • 283
    • 1207
  12. void FORCE_ROOM_FOR_GAME_VIEWPORT ( int interiorID, Hash roomHashKey )  //0x115B4AA8FB28AB43

    • 0
    • 270
    • 1207
  13. void CLEAR_ROOM_FOR_GAME_VIEWPORT ()  //0x951A049765E0D450

    • 0
    • 304
    • 1207
  14. Interior GET_INTERIOR_FROM_PRIMARY_VIEW ()  //0xBC8A281FF125C655

    • 0
    • 326
    • 1207
  15. Interior GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS ( float x, float y, float z )  //0xCDD36C9E5C469070

    • 0
    • 457
    • 1207
  16. void PIN_INTERIOR_IN_MEMORY ( Interior interior )  //0xBD3D33EABF680168

    • 0
    • 302
    • 1207
  17. void UNPIN_INTERIOR ( Interior interior )  //0x07FD1A0B814F6055

    • 0
    • 253
    • 1207
  18. BOOL IS_INTERIOR_READY ( Interior interior )  //0x941560D2D45DBFC8

    • 0
    • 307
    • 1207
  19. Any _0xB5EF6FEF2DC9EBED ( Interior interior )  //0xB5EF6FEF2DC9EBED

    • 0
    • 257
    • 1207
  20. Interior GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS_WITH_TYPE ( float x, float y, float z, const char* interiorType )  //0xAAD6170AA33B13C0

    • 0
    • 356
    • 1207
  21. Interior GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS_WITH_TYPEHASH ( float x, float y, float z, Hash typeHash )  //0x3543AEA1816D1D2B

    • 0
    • 313
    • 1207
  22. BOOL IS_COLLISION_MARKED_OUTSIDE ( float x, float y, float z )  //0xF291396B517E25B2

    • 0
    • 343
    • 1207
  23. int GET_INTERIOR_FROM_COLLISION ( float x, float y, float z )  //0x5054D1A5218FA696

    • 0
    • 324
    • 1207
  24. void ACTIVATE_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET ( Interior interior, const char* entitySetName, int p2 )  //0x174D0AAB11CED739

    • 0
    • 534
    • 1207
  25. void DEACTIVATE_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET ( Interior interior, const char* entitySetName, BOOL p2 )  //0x33B81A2C07A51FFF

    • 0
    • 278
    • 1207
  26. BOOL IS_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET_ACTIVE ( Interior interior, const char* entitySetName )  //0x32810CA2125F5842

    • 0
    • 321
    • 1207
  27. BOOL _IS_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET_VALID ( Interior interior, const char* entitySetName )  //0xD56FF170710FC826

    • 0
    • 265
    • 1207
  28. void DISABLE_INTERIOR ( Interior interior, BOOL toggle )  //0x3C2B92A1A07D4FCE

    • 0
    • 502
    • 1207
  29. void _0x2533F2AB0EB9C6F9 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x2533F2AB0EB9C6F9

    • 0
    • 273
    • 1207
  30. void _0xFE2B3D5500B1B2E4 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xFE2B3D5500B1B2E4

    • 0
    • 270
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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