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270 natives in namespace GRAPHICS

  1. int START_NETWORKED_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot )  //0x8F90AB32E1944BDE

    • 0
    • 241
    • 1207
  2. int START_NETWORKED_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY_BONE ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL xAxis, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, float xRot, float yRot )  //0x9C56621462FFE7A6

    • 0
    • 275
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  3. void STOP_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED ( int ptfxHandle, BOOL p1 )  //0x22970F3A088B133B

    • 0
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  4. BOOL DOES_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_EXIST ( int ptfxHandle )  //0x9DD5AFF561E88F2A

    • 0
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  5. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_OFFSETS ( int ptfxHandle, float x, float y, float z, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ )  //0xD3A4A95FC94FE83B

    • 0
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  6. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_EVOLUTION ( int ptfxHandle, const char* propertyName, float amount, BOOL noNetwork )  //0x3674F389B0FACD80

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  7. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_COLOUR ( int ptfxHandle, float r, float g, float b, BOOL p4 )  //0x239879FC61C610CC

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  8. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ALPHA ( int ptfxHandle, float alpha )  //0x88786E76234F7054

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  9. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_SCALE ( int ptfxHandle, float scale )  //0x1A9E1C0D98D093B7

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  10. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_FAR_CLIP_DIST ( int ptfxHandle, float range )  //0x9B04D471DA0AD7AA

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  11. void _0x5CD6A2CCE5087161 ( Any p0 )  //0x5CD6A2CCE5087161

    • 0
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    • 1311
  12. void _SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_UPDATE_DISTANT_SMOKE ( int ptfxHandle, float scalar )  //0x9DDC222D85D5AF2A

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  13. void REMOVE_PARTICLE_FX ( int ptfxHandle, BOOL p1 )  //0x459598F579C98929

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  14. void REMOVE_PARTICLE_FX_FROM_ENTITY ( Entity entity )  //0x92884B4A49D81325

    • 0
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  15. void REMOVE_PARTICLE_FX_IN_RANGE ( float X, float Y, float Z, float radius )  //0x87B5905ECA623B68

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  16. void USE_PARTICLE_FX_ASSET ( const char* fxName )  //0xA10DB07FC234DD12

    • 0
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  17. void _0x9229ED770975BD9E ()  //0x9229ED770975BD9E

    • 0
    • 132
    • 1311
  18. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_OVERRIDE ( const char* oldAsset, const char* newAsset )  //0xBE711A169E9C7E95

    • 0
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  19. void RESET_PARTICLE_FX_OVERRIDE ( const char* name )  //0x274B3DABF7E72DEF

    • 0
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  20. void _SET_PLAYER_APPEAR_IN_PHOTO ( Player player )  //0x75D568607909333E

    • 0
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    • 1232
  21. void _0x4D14AF567FC02885 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p10, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5, Any p6, Any p7, Any p8 )  //0x4D14AF567FC02885

    • 0
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  22. void _0x4FB67D172C4476F3 ( Entity entity, const char* p1, const char* p2, float p3 )  //0x4FB67D172C4476F3

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  23. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_AMBIENT_COLOUR ( Entity entity, const char* p1, float r, float g, float b )  //0x3C61B52B00848C26

    • 0
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  24. void _0x453D16D41FC51D3E ( BOOL p0 )  //0x453D16D41FC51D3E

    • 0
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  25. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_BULLET_IMPACT_SCALE ( float scale )  //0xA53C8D7D0F8C74D0

    • 0
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  26. void _0x8DCCC98DC0DBF9E4 ( float p0 )  //0x8DCCC98DC0DBF9E4

    • 0
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  27. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ALPHA ( float alpha )  //0xE8A35938A7026CEA

    • 0
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    • 1311
  28. void _SET_SNIPER_GLINTS_ENABLED ( BOOL enabled )  //0x6E8EB45A4F4460EB

    • 0
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  29. void _SET_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_EMITTER_SCALE ( float p0, float p1, float p2 )  //0x56C392C2BD78B024

    • 0
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  30. void _0x2A1625858887D4E6 ( float p0 )  //0x2A1625858887D4E6

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  31. void _0x4046493D2EEACA0E ()  //0x4046493D2EEACA0E

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  32. void SET_PICKUP_LIGHT ( Object object, BOOL toggle )  //0x7DFB49BCDB73089A

    • 0
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  33. void _BLOCK_PICKUP_OBJECT_LIGHT ( Object pickupObject, BOOL toggle )  //0x50C14328119E1DD1

    • 0
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  34. void BLOCK_PICKUP_PLACEMENT_LIGHT ( Pickup pickup, BOOL toggle )  //0x0552AA3FFC5B87AA

    • 0
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  35. void ALLOW_PICKUP_LIGHT_SYNC ( Object pickupObject, BOOL allow )  //0x7C348310A6E2FB91

    • 0
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  36. void _SET_PEARLESCENT_FX_ENABLED ( Object object, BOOL toggle )  //0x72E30372E7CC4415

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  37. void REMOVE_DECALS_IN_RANGE ( float x, float y, float z, float range )  //0x86DE59FA02902B40

    • 0
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  38. void REMOVE_DECALS_FROM_OBJECT ( Object obj )  //0xFB8972BAE0013140

    • 0
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  39. int ADD_DECAL ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p10, Any p11, Any p12, Any p13, Any p14, Any p15, Any p16, Any p17 )  //0x57CB267624EF85C0

    • 0
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  40. void _ADD_BLOOD_POOL ( float x, float y, float z, BOOL unused )  //0xFA2ECC78A6014D4F

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  41. void _ADD_BLOOD_POOL_2 ( float x, float y, float z, float p3, float size, float p5, BOOL permanent, float p7, BOOL p8 )  //0xF708298675ABDC6A

    • 0
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  42. void _ADD_BLOOD_POOLS_FOR_PED_WITH_PARAMS ( Ped ped, float p1, float size, float p3 )  //0xC349EE1E6EFA494B

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  43. void START_PETROL_TRAIL_DECALS ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x46F246D6504F0031

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  44. void ADD_PETROL_TRAIL_DECAL_INFO ( float x, float y, float z, float p3 )  //0x73354FB6D03D2E8A

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  45. void END_PETROL_TRAIL_DECALS ()  //0x0E126AAE933F3B56

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  46. Any _0xE63D68F455CA0B47 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5, Any p6 )  //0xE63D68F455CA0B47

    • 0
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  47. void REMOVE_DECAL ( int decal )  //0x49A720552EB0BB88

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  48. BOOL IS_DECAL_ALIVE ( int decal )  //0x3E4B4E5CF5D3EEB5

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  49. void _0xB032C085D9A03907 ()  //0xB032C085D9A03907

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  50. void _0xFB680A9B33D0EDBE ( BOOL p0 )  //0xFB680A9B33D0EDBE

    • 0
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    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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