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RDR2 NativeDB

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270 natives in namespace GRAPHICS

  1. void SET_TRACKED_POINT_INFO ( int point, float x, float y, float z, float radius )  //0xF6FDA3D4404D4F2C

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  2. BOOL IS_TRACKED_POINT_VISIBLE ( int point )  //0xCBB056BA159FB48D

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  3. int _0xDFE332A5DA6FE7C9 ( int iTrackedPoint )  //0xDFE332A5DA6FE7C9

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  4. void DESTROY_TRACKED_POINT ( int point )  //0x37A59922109F8F1C

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  5. BOOL _IS_TRACKED_POINT_VALID ( int point )  //0xF2FDDCC8C6BAE1B3

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  6. Any _0x27219300C36A8D40 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4 )  //0x27219300C36A8D40

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  7. void _0xAE7BF7CA9E4BA48D ( Any p0 )  //0xAE7BF7CA9E4BA48D

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  8. int _ADD_VEG_MODIFIER_ZONE ( Volume volume, int p1, int flags, int p3 )  //0xBD3324281E8B9933

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  9. int ADD_VEG_MODIFIER_SPHERE ( float x, float y, float z, float radius, int modType, int flags, int p6 )  //0xFA50F79257745E74

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  10. void REMOVE_VEG_MODIFIER_SPHERE ( int vegModifierHandle, int p1 )  //0x9CF1836C03FB67A2

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  11. void _ENABLE_STATIC_VEG_MODIFIER ( Hash p0 )  //0xDFEA23EC90113657

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  12. void _DISABLE_STATIC_VEG_MODIFIER ( Hash p0 )  //0xDD0BC0EDCB2162F6

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  14. void _0xEC3F7F24EEEB3BA3 ()  //0xEC3F7F24EEEB3BA3

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  15. void _0x9F158A49B0D84C3C ( Any p0 )  //0x9F158A49B0D84C3C

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  16. void _0x910E260AEAD855DE ()  //0x910E260AEAD855DE

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  17. BOOL _CREATE_SWATCH_TEXTURE_DICT ( int slots )  //0x3D084D5568FB4028

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  18. void _DESTROY_SWATCH_TEXTURE_DICT ()  //0xDAD7FB8402651654

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  19. void _GENERATE_SWATCH_TEXTURE_DIRECTLY ( int slot, Any p1 )  //0x646ED1A1D28487DF

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  20. void _GENERATE_SWATCH_TEXTURE ( int slotId, Hash componentHash, int metapedType, BOOL p3 )  //0x160921255327C591

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  21. void CASCADE_SHADOWS_SET_CASCADE_BOUNDS ( Any p0, BOOL p1, float p2, float p3, float p4, float p5, BOOL p6, float p7 )  //0xD9EDB2E4512D563E

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  23. void CASCADE_SHADOWS_SET_SHADOW_SAMPLE_TYPE ( const char* type )  //0xCE4774E0F9AD48D1

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  25. void _0x503941F65DBA24EC ( Any p0 )  //0x503941F65DBA24EC

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  26. void _0x815653A42C5ABE76 ()  //0x815653A42C5ABE76

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  27. void _0xFF8018C778349234 ( Any p0 )  //0xFF8018C778349234

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  28. void _0x297B72E2AF094742 ( int unk )  //0x297B72E2AF094742

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  29. void TOGGLE_PAUSED_RENDERPHASES ( BOOL toggle )  //0xEF9E1C45732F55FA

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  32. void _SET_HIDOF_ENV_BLUR_PARAMS ( BOOL p0, BOOL p1, float p2, float p3, float p4, float p5 )  //0xCC23AA1A7CBFE840

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  33. void _0x21F00E08CBB5F37B ( Any p0 )  //0x21F00E08CBB5F37B

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  34. void _0x5AC6E0FA028369DE ()  //0x5AC6E0FA028369DE

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  35. BOOL _0xEC3D8C228FE553D7 ( BOOL p0 )  //0xEC3D8C228FE553D7

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  36. void _0xF5793BB386E1FF9C ( Any p0 )  //0xF5793BB386E1FF9C

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  37. void _0xC8D0611D9A0CF5D3 ( Any p0 )  //0xC8D0611D9A0CF5D3

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  38. float _GET_PHOTO_MODE_EXPOSURE ()  //0x06C0D8BB6B04A709

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  39. void _0x62B9F9A1272AED80 ( Any p0 )  //0x62B9F9A1272AED80

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  40. float _GET_PHOTO_MODE_CONTRAST ()  //0x98F4154989B81EC6

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  41. int START_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_AT_COORD ( const char* effectName, float xPos, BOOL zAxis, float yPos, float zPos, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot, float scale, BOOL xAxis )  //0x2E80BF72EF7C87AC

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  42. BOOL START_NETWORKED_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_AT_COORD ( const char* effectName, float xPos, BOOL zAxis, float yPos, float zPos, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot, float scale, BOOL xAxis )  //0xFB97618457994A62

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  43. BOOL START_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ON_PED_BONE ( const char* effectName, Ped ped, BOOL axisX, BOOL axisY, BOOL axisZ, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float rotX, float rotY )  //0x3FAA72BD940C3AC0

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  44. BOOL START_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL axisY, BOOL axisZ, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ )  //0xFF4C64C513388C12

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  45. BOOL START_NETWORKED_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL axisY, BOOL axisZ, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ )  //0xE6CFE43937061143

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  46. void SET_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_COLOUR ( float r, float g, float b )  //0x60B85BED6577A35B

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  47. int START_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_AT_COORD ( const char* effectName, float x, BOOL zAxis, BOOL p11, float y, float z, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot, float scale )  //0xBA32867E86125D3A

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  48. int START_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ON_PED_BONE ( const char* effectName, Ped ped, BOOL xAxis, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, float xRot, float yRot )  //0xE689C1B1432BB8AF

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  49. int START_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot )  //0xBD41E1440CE39800

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  50. int START_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY_BONE ( const char* effectName, Entity entity, BOOL xAxis, BOOL yAxis, BOOL zAxis, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, float xRot, float yRot )  //0xD3BA6EC7F2FBD5E9

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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