Here's a list of most of the in-game voice-lines:
speechParamHash can be found here: ("speech_params_force" seems to work best)
Text indented on the left such as "0008_S_F_M_ISPWORKER_01_BLACK_02" is the dictionary_name, the strings underneath is the index_name.
index_name with a number (E.G _01, _02, _03 etc..) are just extra voice lines, most voice lines seem to works best without the added '_01' on the end
Here's the following setup I was able to create for playing voice lines through your Player (this of course can be changed to be used for other Peds)
struct ScriptedSpeechParams {
const char* IndexName;
const char* DictionaryName;
alignas(8) int variation;
alignas(8) Hash speechParamHash;
alignas(8) Ped listenerPed;
alignas(8) BOOL syncOverNetwork;
alignas(8) int v7;
alignas(8) int v8;
static_assert(sizeof(ScriptedSpeechParams) == 0x40, "incorrect ScriptedSpeechParams size");
void play_npc_voice(Entity npc, const char* dictionary_name, const char* index_name) {
// set the ScriptedSpeechParams struct as you wish
ScriptedSpeechParams params;
params.IndexName = index_name;
params.DictionaryName = dictionary_name;
params.variation = 0;
params.speechParamHash = RAGE_JOAAT("speech_params_force");
params.listenerPed = PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID();
params.syncOverNetwork = true;
params.v7 = 1;
params.v8 = 1;
example of use:
play_npc_voice(npc, "0405_U_M_M_RhdSheriff_01", "RE_PH_RHD_V3_AGGRO");
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