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Native Details

  • NamespaceWEAPON
  • Native Hash0x5E3BDDBCB83F3D84
  • Typeint
  • First seen version1207

Native Parameters

  • Parameter 0Ped ped
    Ped to give the weapon to
  • Parameter 1Hash weaponHash
    Hash of the weapon
  • Parameter 2int ammoCount
  • Parameter 3BOOL equipNow
  • Parameter 4BOOL p4
  • Parameter 5int group
  • Parameter 6BOOL p6
  • Parameter 7int p7
  • Parameter 8int p8
  • Parameter 9BOOL leftHanded

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Example in C#:

public static void GivePlayerWeapon(int playerid, WeaponHash weapon, int ammo)
            if(Function.Call<bool>((Hash)0x8DECB02F88F428BC, playerid, (uint)weapon, 0, true)) // Has ped Got Weapon
                API.SetPedAmmo(playerid, (uint)weapon, ammo); // will give only ammo 
                Function.Call((Hash)0x5E3BDDBCB83F3D84, playerid, (uint)weapon, ammo, false, true, 1, false, 0.5F, 1.0F, false, 0);


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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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