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387 natives in namespace VEHICLE

  1. void _0x63DC1F22C903B709 ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL p1 )  //0x63DC1F22C903B709

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  2. void SET_VEHICLE_CAN_BE_VISIBLY_DAMAGED ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL state )  //0x4BF8131AE811541C

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  3. void SET_VEHICLE_HAS_UNBREAKABLE_LIGHTS ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL p1 )  //0xC903855E028A05F2

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  4. void SET_VEHICLE_RESPECTS_LOCKS_WHEN_HAS_DRIVER ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL p1 )  //0x33992A808DF1C1BA

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  5. void _0x065D03A9D6B2C6B5 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x065D03A9D6B2C6B5

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  6. void SET_VEHICLE_DIRT_LEVEL ( Vehicle vehicle, float dirtLevel )  //0x758C3460EE915D0A

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  7. BOOL IS_VEHICLE_DOOR_FULLY_OPEN ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId )  //0x7AE191143C7A9107

    • 0
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  8. void SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_ON ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL value, BOOL instantly )  //0xB64CFA14CB9A2E78

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  9. void SET_VEHICLE_UNDRIVEABLE ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL toggle )  //0x6E884BAB713A2A94

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  10. void SET_VEHICLE_PROVIDES_COVER ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL toggle )  //0x652712478F1721F4

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  11. void _0x3053064F909B5F42 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x3053064F909B5F42

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  12. void SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_CONTROL ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId, int speed, float angle )  //0xD57F10EBBA814ECF

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  13. void SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_LATCHED ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId, BOOL p2, BOOL p3, BOOL p4 )  //0x06F8A202EB312A3C

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  14. void SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId, BOOL closeInstantly )  //0x6A3C24B91FD0EA09

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  15. void SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_BROKEN ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId, BOOL deleteDoor )  //0x9666CF20A1C6D780

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  16. void SET_VEHICLE_CAN_BREAK ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL toggle )  //0xC5ED9D59B4646611

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  17. void SET_VEHICLE_IS_CONSIDERED_BY_PLAYER ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL toggle )  //0x54800D386C5825E5

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  18. void _0x7549B9E841940695 ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL p1 )  //0x7549B9E841940695

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  19. int GET_VEHICLE_DOOR_LOCK_STATUS ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0xC867FD144F2469D3

    • 0
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  20. void _SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_CAN_BREAK ( Vehicle vehicle, int doorId, BOOL isBreakable )  //0x081FB9D6422F804C

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  21. BOOL IS_VEHICLE_ON_ALL_WHEELS ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x0D5D119529654EE0

    • 0
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  22. BOOL _GET_TRAIN_DIRECTION ( Vehicle train )  //0x3C9628A811CBD724

    • 0
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  23. BOOL _GET_TRAIN_DIRECTION_FROM_INDEX ( int trackIndex )  //0x67995318F5FAA496

    • 0
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  24. Any _0x09034479E6E3E269 ( Vehicle train, Hash* trainTrack, int* junctionIndex )  //0x09034479E6E3E269

    • 0
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  25. BOOL _GET_TRAIN_TRACK_JUNCTION_AT_COORDS ( Hash trainTrack, float x, float y, float z, int* junctionIndex )  //0x86AFC343CF7F0B34

    • 0
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  26. Any _0xD9BF3ED8EFB67EA3 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4 )  //0xD9BF3ED8EFB67EA3

    • 0
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  27. Vector3 _0x785639D89F8451AB ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x785639D89F8451AB

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  28. void _SET_TRAIN_TRACK_JUNCTION_SWITCH ( Hash trainTrack, int junctionIndex, BOOL enabled )  //0xE6C5E2125EB210C1

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  29. void _0x3ABFA128F5BF5A70 ( Hash trainTrack, int junctionIndex, BOOL enabled )  //0x3ABFA128F5BF5A70

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  30. Any _0x2C46D2A591D8C322 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2 )  //0x2C46D2A591D8C322

    • 0
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  31. Any _0xCAFF2C9747103C02 ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2 )  //0xCAFF2C9747103C02

    • 0
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  32. void _SET_ALL_JUNCTIONS_CLEARED ()  //0x138398153824E332

    • 0
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  33. void _0x34BCF6209B9668A7 ( int trackIndex, Any p1 )  //0x34BCF6209B9668A7

    • 0
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  34. void _0xD0BA1853D76683C8 ( int trackIndex, float x, float y, float z, Any p4 )  //0xD0BA1853D76683C8

    • 0
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  35. void SET_TRAIN_OFFSET_FROM_STATION ( Vehicle train, float offset )  //0x8EC47DD4300BF063

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  36. void _0xDC69F6913CCA0B99 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xDC69F6913CCA0B99

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  37. void _0x7840576C50A13DBA ( Vehicle train, BOOL p1 )  //0x7840576C50A13DBA

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  38. Any _0xD0116DF21E6C7B36 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xD0116DF21E6C7B36

    • 0
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  39. void _DETACH_WAGON_ENTITY_FROM_TRAIN ( Entity entity )  //0x54CBDD6E1B4CB4DF

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  40. int _0x1180A2974D251B7B ( Vehicle train )  //0x1180A2974D251B7B

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  41. int GET_CURRENT_STATION_FOR_TRAIN ( Vehicle train )  //0x86FA6D8B48667D75

    • 0
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  42. Hash _0x9CC94A948EAF5372 ( int trackIndex, int stationIndex )  //0x9CC94A948EAF5372

    • 0
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  43. Any _0xDE8C5B9F65017FA1 ( Vehicle train )  //0xDE8C5B9F65017FA1

    • 0
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  44. int _GET_CURRENT_TRACK_FOR_TRAIN ( Vehicle train )  //0xAF787E081AC4A8EE

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  45. Vector3 _GET_STATION_COORS_FROM_TRAIN_STATION_DATA ( int trackIndex, int stationIndex )  //0xBA958F68031DDBFC

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  46. int GET_TRACK_INDEX_OF_TRAIN ( Vehicle train )  //0x865FEC2FA899F29C

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  47. void _0x1A861F899EBBE17C ( Vehicle train, BOOL p1 )  //0x1A861F899EBBE17C

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  48. void _0xF8F7DA13CFBD4532 ( int trackIndex, BOOL p1 )  //0xF8F7DA13CFBD4532

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  49. void _TRIGGER_TRAIN_WHISTLE ( Vehicle train, const char* whistleSequence, BOOL p2, BOOL p3 )  //0xCFE122EC635CC2B2

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  50. void _0x2BB2B5BCF0DF8008 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x2BB2B5BCF0DF8008

    • 0
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Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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