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37 natives in namespace PROPSET

  1. BOOL _REQUEST_PROP_SET ( Hash hash )  //0xF3DE57A46D5585E9

    • 0
    • 427
    • 1207
  2. BOOL _REQUEST_PROP_SET_2 ( Hash hash )  //0xE72F591958F3ACAB

    • 0
    • 237
    • 1207
  3. BOOL _HAS_PROP_SET_LOADED ( Hash hash )  //0x48A88FC684C55FDC

    • 0
    • 290
    • 1207
  4. BOOL _HAS_PROP_SET_LOADED_2 ( Hash hash )  //0xD090ABEF4D6A7D96

    • 0
    • 332
    • 1207
  5. void _SET_PROP_SET_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED ( PropSet propSet )  //0x909E3C7FAE539FB1

    • 0
    • 240
    • 1207
  6. void _DELETE_PROP_SET ( PropSet propSet, BOOL p1, BOOL p2 )  //0x58AC173A55D9D7B4

    • 0
    • 326
    • 1207
  7. BOOL _RELEASE_PROP_SET ( Hash hash )  //0xB1964A83B345B4AB

    • 0
    • 243
    • 1207
  8. PropSet _CREATE_PROPSET ( Hash hash, float x, float y, float z, int p4, float heading, float p6, BOOL p7, BOOL p8 )  //0xE65C5CBA95F0E510

    • 0
    • 769
    • 1207
  9. PropSet _CREATE_PROP_SET_2 ( Hash hash, float x, float y, float z, int p4, float p5, float p6, BOOL p7, BOOL p8 )  //0x899C97A1CCE7D483

    • 0
    • 274
    • 1207
  10. PropSet CREATE_PROP_SET_INSTANCE_ATTACHED_TO_ENTITY ( Hash hash, float x, float y, float z, Entity entity, float p5, BOOL p6, int p7, BOOL p8 )  //0x9609DBDDE18FAD8C

    • 0
    • 304
    • 1207
  11. PropSet _CREATE_PROP_SET_4 ( Hash hash, float x, float y, float z, Entity entity, float p5, BOOL p6, int p7, BOOL p8 )  //0xACA7FB30269096D4

    • 0
    • 263
    • 1207
  12. BOOL DOES_PROP_SET_EXIST ( PropSet propSet )  //0x7DDDCF815E650FF5

    • 0
    • 257
    • 1207
  13. BOOL _DOES_PROP_SET_OF_TYPE_EXIST_NEAR_COORDS ( Hash propsetHash, float x, float y, float z )  //0x72068021F498E6E3

    • 0
    • 254
    • 1207
  14. BOOL IS_PROP_SET_FULLY_LOADED ( PropSet propSet )  //0xF42DB680A8B2A4D9

    • 0
    • 255
    • 1207
  15. Any SET_PROPSET_VISIBLE ( PropSet propSet, BOOL toggle )  //0x9D096A5BD02F953E

    • 0
    • 331
    • 1207
  16. BOOL IS_PROPSET_VISIBLE ( PropSet propSet )  //0x0CE8AAFE9E433A23

    • 0
    • 284
    • 1207
  17. Hash GET_PROPSET_MODEL ( PropSet propSet )  //0xA6A9712955F53D9C

    • 0
    • 343
    • 1207
  18. Hash _GET_VEHICLE_PROP_SET_HASH ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x36F69E7A22655653

    • 0
    • 227
    • 1207
  19. int _GET_ENTITIES_FROM_PROP_SET ( PropSet propSet, ItemSet itemSet, Hash model, BOOL p3, BOOL p4 )  //0x738271B660FE0695

    • 0
    • 271
    • 1207
  20. void _0xC4B67EF3FD65622D ( Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4, Any p5 )  //0xC4B67EF3FD65622D

    • 0
    • 284
    • 1207
  21. void _0x58E0B01D45CA7357 ( Any p0 )  //0x58E0B01D45CA7357

    • 0
    • 258
    • 1207
  22. void _0xC1AB7EEFD3E6EE49 ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0xC1AB7EEFD3E6EE49

    • 0
    • 210
    • 1207
  23. int GET_VEHICLE_PROPSET ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0xCE2ACD6F602803E5

    • 0
    • 296
    • 1207
  24. BOOL DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_ANY_PROPSET ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x53784CEA0159439B

    • 0
    • 321
    • 1207
  25. int SET_VEHICLE_PROPSET ( int vehicle, int propset )  //0xD80FAF919A2E56EA

    • 0
    • 537
    • 1207
  26. Any REMOVE_VEHICLE_PROPSETS ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x3BCF32FF37EA9F1D

    • 0
    • 287
    • 1207
  27. BOOL _IS_VEHICLE_PROP_SET_LOADED ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x155B2FBE72D7D1D0

    • 0
    • 268
    • 1207
  28. Any ACTIVATE_PROPSET_ON_VEHICLE_2 ( Vehicle vehicle, Hash propSet )  //0x75F90E4051CC084C

    • 0
    • 316
    • 1207
  29. BOOL _IS_VEHICLE_PROP_SET_LOADED_ADDITIONAL ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x7264F9CA87A9830B

    • 0
    • 252
    • 1207
  30. PropSet _GET_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SET ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0xA079300AF757FB1A

    • 0
    • 248
    • 1207
  31. BOOL DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_ANY_LIGHT_PROPSET ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0xC9B4B3A36F81FD75

    • 0
    • 312
    • 1207
  32. Any ADD_LIGHT_PROPSET_TO_VEHICLE ( Vehicle vehicle, Hash lightPropset )  //0xC0F0417A90402742

    • 1
    • 585
    • 1207
  33. void _REMOVE_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SETS ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0xE31C0CB1C3186D40

    • 0
    • 257
    • 1207
  34. BOOL _IS_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SET_LOADED ( Vehicle vehicle )  //0x0790473EEE1977D3

    • 0
    • 243
    • 1207
  35. PropSet _GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE_PROP_SET ( Entity trainCarriage )  //0xCFC0BD09BB1B73FF

    • 0
    • 251
    • 1207
  36. Any _0x8F3333F0A6900B3C ( Any p0, Any p1 )  //0x8F3333F0A6900B3C

    • 0
    • 281
    • 1207
  37. PropSet _GET_PROP_SET_AT_COORDS ( Hash propsetHash, float x, float y, float z )  //0xC061E50F8D299F95

    • 0
    • 248
    • 1207

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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