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124 natives in namespace LAW

  1. BOOL _0xB527099D1E1EED49 ( Player player, int p1, Hash* crimeType )  //0xB527099D1E1EED49

    • 0
    • 230
    • 1207
  2. void CLEAR_PLAYER_PAST_CRIMES ( Player player )  //0xBCC6DC59E32A2BDC

    • 0
    • 204
    • 1207
  3. void SET_PLAYER_ARRESTED_IN_REGION ( Player player, Hash lawRegionHash )  //0xE0FA74AA3CCE650B

    • 0
    • 220
    • 1207
  4. void SET_PLAYER_TURNED_IN_BOUNTY_IN_REGION ( Player player, Hash lawRegionHash )  //0x73BAD7B2F2DB50DE

    • 0
    • 221
    • 1207
  5. void _0xD6C0A8C7C0B2F82C ( Player player, BOOL p1 )  //0xD6C0A8C7C0B2F82C

    • 0
    • 196
    • 1207
  6. void SET_LAW_SENSE_RANGE_MODIFIER ( Player player, float range )  //0xFEC85339AACA2A35

    • 0
    • 197
    • 1207
  7. void _0x7EF2A2FE38D74456 ( int flag, BOOL p1 )  //0x7EF2A2FE38D74456

    • 0
    • 191
    • 1207
  8. BOOL _0xC7DC5A0A7DF608CB ( int flag )  //0xC7DC5A0A7DF608CB

    • 0
    • 181
    • 1207
  9. void SET_DISABLE_DISTURBANCE_CRIMES ( Player player, BOOL p1 )  //0xDE5FAA741A781F73

    • 0
    • 209
    • 1207
  10. void SET_POSTPONE_DISTURBANCE_CRIMES_DURING_COMBAT ( Player player, BOOL p1 )  //0x362086B911657B1A

    • 0
    • 194
    • 1207
  11. void _CREATE_GUARD_ZONE ( const char* name )  //0x8F9DE75680275C9F

    • 0
    • 202
    • 1207
  12. void _REMOVE_GUARD_ZONE ( const char* name )  //0x67EBDD958835956C

    • 0
    • 195
    • 1207
  13. void _0x9772395CC73E8D1F ( Ped ped, const char* name )  //0x9772395CC73E8D1F

    • 0
    • 180
    • 1207
  14. void _DISABLE_GUARD_ZONE ( const char* name )  //0x26D558692B25DD95

    • 0
    • 184
    • 1207
  15. BOOL _0x0DBACA9C38C9A686 ( const char* name )  //0x0DBACA9C38C9A686

    • 0
    • 195
    • 1207
  16. BOOL _IS_GUARD_PED_INVESTIGATING ( Ped ped )  //0xD743C4293F47AFAD

    • 0
    • 182
    • 1207
  17. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_VOLUME_REGISTRATION_START ( const char* name, Volume volume )  //0x8C598A930F471938

    • 0
    • 180
    • 1207
  18. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_VOLUME_RESTRICTED ( const char* name, Volume volume )  //0x35815F372D43E1E5

    • 0
    • 195
    • 1207
  19. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_VOLUME_THREAT ( const char* name, Volume volume )  //0xA1B0E6301E2E02A6

    • 0
    • 206
    • 1207
  20. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_VOLUME_WARNING ( const char* name, Volume volume )  //0xAD3E07C37A7C1ADC

    • 0
    • 197
    • 1207
  21. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_VOLUME_REGISTRATION_END ( const char* name, Volume volume )  //0xA8A74AA79FB67159

    • 0
    • 193
    • 1207
  22. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_POSITION ( const char* name, float x, float y, float z )  //0x7E7BF59F89FC6C6D

    • 0
    • 234
    • 1207
  23. void _SET_GUARD_ZONE_POSITION_2 ( const char* name, float x, float y, float z )  //0x2F9005E2EA4E5EE4

    • 0
    • 225
    • 1207
  24. BOOL _CREATE_GUARD_ZONE_FOR_ENTITY ( const char* guardZoneName, Entity entity, float x, float y, float z )  //0x0D4B77E862475ED3

    • 0
    • 138
    • 1311

Red Dead Redemption 2 Native Database by www.mod-rdr.com, includes contributions by gudmunduro and alloc8or.

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