Watch it here: W.E.R.O. - Western Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaul - Volume 3 (September 2023) via Bertram and Cave Hermit vs Earth YouTube Channel
1080p - Max Graphics Settings - MSAA 8 - 60fps
This is the first Euphoria Ragdoll Showcase I will be releasing this month
Coming Soon:
A.E.M. - Authentic Euphoria Motions - Volume 3
C.E.R.R. - Cineastic Euphoria Ragdoll Rework - Volume 2
L.L.R.O. - Live Leak Ragdoll Overhaul - Volume 3
B.D.E.R.O. - Bass Dragon's Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaul - Volume 2
I put a ton of work into every Euphoria Ragdoll Showcase I release - If you have any requests or ideas please be sure to let me know
Much thanks to Angry Wolf a.k.a. Synthetic Outlaw for creating both W.E.R.O. and A.E.M.
- Album created by AlexLifeson2112
- Updated
- 4 images