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Posted (edited)

You shoot a gun and the bullet always goes where the white dot is. It doesn't have the annoying inaccuracy/bloom effect after shooting an M1899 pistol/throwing a hatchet. Such as hip-firing, and the bullet doesn't go anywhere else but where the white dot is. The M1899 pistol and hatchet are just examples, this applies to all weapons of any kind. The bullet will (no matter what the situation is) go straight. Which will make the game fairer and funner for the player (at least me). And the shooting will be more realistic (which doesn't necessarily make it better simply for being more realistic.) But, most people that have read this probably agree with me. Going into more detail for the The hatchet/throwing knife/tomahawk no longer requires you to hold the "attack/shoot/throw button" down for about 1 second. Just to make an accurate throw, even with a homing tomahawk. Just click/tap the button, and it goes straight where your pointing it to.

Edited by 354ve67h8u6ftft4rRDCFHN3Q4

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