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Nerf arrows


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Hi all, I don't want to write a whole paragraph so I'll get straight to the point. First off I love using the bow and arrow in this game it's really satisfying but I can't help my self to be very annoyed everytime I fire off a arrow that just bounces of the npc if it's not a killing blow. I have tested this with all the arrows. so I will make a small list below of what I've experienced.


Normal Arrows: Bounces off npc's when it's not a killing blow.

Improved Arrows:Goes straight through the npc's. Very cool 🙂

Poison Arrows:Gets stuck into npc's regardless if its a killing blow or not. This is how normal arrow should function imo


I did not list the other arrows as they are irrelevant for me every other arrow works as intended except for the normal arrows, for me at least, So I would like to know if it is possible for someone to make a mod that fixes this? Thank you for reading this and have a nice day 🙂


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  • 10 months later...

NERF arrows mod would be great.  I would use rampage to set the ammo to bird crap or something amazing so I would be firing florecent nerf arrows , but people would wish I  hit them with a point arrow.  I really want a mod like that -  I imagine just skin the small arrows to be nerf - the small arrows are like nerf arrows especially when you turn down the damage multiplyer via trainers.  

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