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The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play RDRFR, can be found inside the RDRFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website.
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Stolen horse callout bug



6 answers to this question

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Got the same error



[27.06.2020 20:28:37.506] RDR First Response: ==============================
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.507] RDR First Response: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.507] RDR First Response: ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.507] RDR First Response: Origin: Game fiber "CalloutManager".
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.508] RDR First Response: ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.508] RDR First Response: Exception type: System.AccessViolationException
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.508] RDR First Response: Exception message: Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.509] RDR First Response: ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.509] RDR First Response: Inner exceptions:
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.510] RDR First Response: ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.510] RDR First Response: Stack trace:
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.511] RDR First Response: bei MTD6iwjpL9Ybav9eZ721jGMLNNVFZ3TiydJuGC27IlH$.Koz7CkiW8Tz7PCTpxGkp69c(IntPtr , Type , NativeArgument[] )
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.511] bei flFJByLC8N10CLFAxPHjMeDV3wBwuEJyCL3HztyehEI_.WV7GkiuKAp1opoDJ283$Fr1If0HG2hDK9d2mu$qjIAUO(ITransport )
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.511] bei flFJByLC8N10CLFAxPHjMeDV3wBwuEJyCL3HztyehEI_.Y3ZKMS0NkOf7GzwxNJfpQiM(ITransport , Int32 )
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.512] bei Rage.Horse.HasSeat(CommonSeatIndex seatIndex)
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.512] bei flFJByLC8N10CLFAxPHjMeDV3wBwuEJyCL3HztyehEI_.sqL1TfVyD7HvM9ElLEZTgOE(ITransport )
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.512] bei )-CpZiv6k^j;\,#-L\[o2X$56n.dD`QUGIIPTADkhlJh;8W}4wr!(Ped ) in E:\RDR2\RedFR\RDRFirstResponse\Mod\Callouts\StolenHorse.cs:Zeile 305.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.513] bei System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereArrayIterator`1.MoveNext()
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.513] bei System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.514] bei )-CpZiv6k^j;\,#-L\[o2X$56n. J[,Oe-(btw@e!#<`ZA5pCU^$() in E:\RDR2\RedFR\RDRFirstResponse\Mod\Callouts\StolenHorse.cs:Zeile 87.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.515] bei /#%WHX#u-si|'0C_oqMdyl''". J[,Oe-(btw@e!#<`ZA5pCU^$() in E:\RDR2\RedFR\RDRFirstResponse\Mod\Callouts\CalloutManager.cs:Zeile 174.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.516] bei @d<ihP?9S5\\'BAWv6T44\]'|2'.t%")cr1$J#k#,%V?[(pO{Y`/%() in E:\RDR2\RedFR\FirstResponse.Shared\Engine\Scripting\ThreadedScriptComponent.cs:Zeile 65.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.516] bei Rage.GameFiber.MegjvSLQNqs8H_KsGy4qscU()
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.516] RDR First Response: ==============================
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.517] RDR First Response: 
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.529] Terminating plugin "RDR First Response".
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.531] RDR First Response: [FATAL] Forced termination
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.539] RDR First Response: [TRACE] Unhooking all natives
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.545] 
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.545] ==============================
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.546] ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.546] Origin: Plugin "RDR First Response" (RDRFirstResponse.dll).
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.547] ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.547] Exception type: System.AccessViolationException
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.547] Exception message: Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.548] ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.548] Inner exceptions:
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.548] ------------------------------
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.549] Stack trace:
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.549] bei |=9u_3\*)Pm8 2'P3D15B5^Ux4.qUO*p <3zQ'^@:Th@ph/k@,`"(_3'xrs"\,Z"Gj%ke6\[;R)9/7\*" ) in E:\RDR2\RedFR\FirstResponse.Shared\Engine\GameDef\NativeHooker.cs:Zeile 120.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.550] bei |=9u_3\*)Pm8 2'P3D15B5^Ux4.7 (d:UEPC09HPg'z+6TL%!:x)() in E:\RDR2\RedFR\FirstResponse.Shared\Engine\GameDef\NativeHooker.cs:Zeile 91.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.551] bei /pY^B=A7KxT3Jb\[\]e{)x$8`\]#.l_s96EA:T24_wWg>Ol_5ke/X() in E:\RDR2\RedFR\RDRFirstResponse\Engine\Unmanaged\NativeHooking.cs:Zeile 67.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.551] bei aoE2H1\&8(OmZ9>ebsDuz\,JNW!.'?^vQ&U[3s7INMqx`d;mHu)I(Action , Action ) in E:\RDR2\RedFR\FirstResponse.Shared\Engine\Common.cs:Zeile 54.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.552] bei L{RE$3I"3Noy2B?swboDEkBK".;HxN,^Y{>`k|?or"`1q_rO0+!(Boolean ) in E:\RDR2\RedFR\RDRFirstResponse\Mod\Main.cs:Zeile 180.
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.552] bei Rage.RemotePlugin.ExecuteExitPoint(Boolean isTerminating)
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.552] bei Rage.RemotePlugin.ExecuteExitPoint(Boolean isTerminating)
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.553] bei fM7yR2zBHiex_gZtaRbuPZI.wffgm21bmBiesfTrO4RomaE()
[27.06.2020 20:28:37.553] ==============================



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I think I've missed where you report bugs or how you even do it with this mod. But yeah, I got the same exact error. And if staff see this, please direct me to a thread on how to report specific bugs and such.

Thanks and stay safe!

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