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Blinking DRAW_TEXT issue


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Anyone have experienced a issue with scriptHookRDRDotNet where the draw_text method results in a blinking text like if there was a Wait() being called somewhere?


I have this issue only in .net code, in .asi works fine. Also, if i reload scripts like 10 times, the bug disappears and text starts to appear as expected.


This is the actual code that is called in a Tick        

	Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 0.0, scale)
        Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash._SET_TEXT_COLOR, col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A)
        Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_CENTRE, bCentered)

        If bDropShadow Then
            Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
            Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        End If

        '15533817421857667793UL = _DRAW_TEXT
        Native.Function.Call(15533817421857667793UL, Native.Function.Call(Of String)(Native.Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", sText), x, y)


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On 6/23/2020 at 12:37 PM, LMS said:

You could try measuring the tick time and see if it perhaps skips a tick (maybe WAIT is not implemented correctly).


about the WAIT implementation, this is what we have in ScripthookV RDR DotNet plugin:

while (true)
        // Yield execution and give it back to ScriptHookRDR2.

        // Switch to our CLR fiber and wait for it to switch back.

this method "scriptWait" is imported from scripthookRDR:

IMPORT void scriptWait(DWORD time);


its very odd this issue, if we disable VSync the blinking is even more visible, more fps, other methods like DRAW_RECT works perfect

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If DRAW_RECT works fine, then I guess it is not the waiting behavior. Perhaps the text buffer is messed up/mismanaged and gets cleared by accident sometimes?

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thats the actual code:

        Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 0.0, scale)
        Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash._SET_TEXT_COLOR, col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A)
        Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_CENTRE, bCentered)

        If bDropShadow Then
            Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
            Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        End If

	'15533817421857667793UL the draw text method:
        Native.Function.Call(15533817421857667793UL, Native.Function.Call(Of String)(Native.Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", sText), x, y)


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It looks fine to me, but I was thinking perhaps the Script Hook mismanages the translation from a managed string to unmanaged and the buffer then gets cleared somewhere accidentally. But I have never used that Script Hook so I cannot say why exactly it would not work for text but works for rect.

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yeah, its a odd issue, i also noticed that if i bring the SNT menu (the trainer that comes with scripthookRDR by AB) and then close it, the blinking is reduced, seems that im missing to call something somewhere lol

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