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OPEN_SEQUENCE_TASK, is there anyway to use anything other than 0 as placeholder?


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Hello to whoever is reading this,


I have an issue with a OPEN_SEQUENCE_TASK related task. I am trying to make a PED do a specific set of actions after each other. For I tried to use the OPEN_SEQUENCE_TASK feature. Howver after a time the game no longer recognizes the PED who is referred to 0 or something. The PED will no longer do what he's supposed to do unless I change the 0 to it's name. However if I do that I can no longer run the actions after each other, now the PED will only do the last set action. Could someone help me with finding a way around this?


Here's the part of the code I am referring to:

                Object seq;
                AI::_0x92DB0739813C5186(target, horse, -1, -1, 2.0f, 1, 0, 0); // Mount the horse
                AI::_0xFD45175A6DFD7CE9(target, player, 3, 0, -999.0f, -1, 0); // FLEE

                AI::CLEAR_PED_TASKS(target, 1, 1);
                AI::TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE(target, seq);

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That behavior sounds more like you are reaching some internal task sequence/pool limit. Have you tried using this right after performing the sequence to free it?


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22 minutes ago, LMS said:

That behavior sounds more like you are reaching some internal task sequence/pool limit. Have you tried using this right after performing the sequence to free it?


Okay dude, I cannot express my gratitude to you on this one, it finally works now. I was stuck on this for so damn long XD. You're the best!!

Edited by DoctorBones
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