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The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play RDRFR, can be found inside the RDRFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website.

How does RDRFR work in Story Mode?

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We recommend that you do not play story missions or other activities while RDRFR is loaded as this may result in glitches or unintended consequences.


RDRFR is meant to be used in the Story Mode of RDR, and will generally work without any problems so long as it is not used in missions, but there are a few things that you should take into consideration:

  • Changing the player into a lawman can cause the game to become confused which might elicit different behaviors from game characters.
  • Some storyline aspects of RDR may interfere with RDRFR, such as the game chapter in Rhodes where the player cannot use weapons.
  • There are many scripted interactions in RDR which may not work properly with RDRFR, especially if the player tries to interact with characters involved in these interactions by using the RDRFR controls.


Don't ever save your game with RDRFR loaded.  This could corrupt your savegame and force you to start the game from the beginning.
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