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The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play RDRFR, can be found inside the RDRFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website.
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CRASH: Could not find bootstrapper entry point



So basically I just installed RPH and RDRFR I tried to load RPH and it said "Could not find bootstrapper entry point" and whats weird was it loaded the game but the game was frozen in the loading the game screen with the white bar at the bottom it said to restart my pc so I did loaded RPH it still showed "Could not find bootstrapper entry point" so I brought my issue to the rph discord didnt get a answer for 1 day so I tried to find out the problem myself I tried loading the game with steam first then loading rpg same error "Could not find bootstrapper entry point" then I tried loading the game than waiting for the main menu then Loading RPH then loading the game as that fixed a GTA RPH problem like this except there was no bootstrapper issue the game would just freeze on the intro and close with no crash log but RPH Didnt load in RDR2 at all so I decide to search google (aka the search engine people tell me to use even though Im asking the question because google didnt help me at all) and as a suprise to no one it didnt tell me anything it told me 1 answer and it was "Is the latest version of RPH" OBVIOUSLY YES so I searched the RPH Discord server I found a solution by a user named Juanpo (juanpolice) that said "*Ping to AStranger*  Fixed with
comand 1: sfc /scannow
Command 2: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth"

I tried that and funnily enough it fixed my GTA RPH problem but not my RDR2 Problem so now I'm all out of ideas, Any solutions?

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I fixed it the old asi loader "Version.DLL" doesn't work with RPH so keep in mind once again (Yes once again) I have posted an essay for a problem that I fixed right after posting said essay

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