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The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play RDRFR, can be found inside the RDRFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website.
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RDRFR cant be loaded "Rage.RemotePlugin is not supported."

Marco Contaldo


8 answers to this question

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On 2/13/2023 at 3:30 PM, LMS said:

At first glance it looks like it might be a bad installation. Did you perhaps install the SDK dll in the game directory?

Oh my god, I thought you ment ScriptHook, until I remembered, you dont really need it, the SDK was RagePluginHook2.dll

I only found this out, because I looked at a modding folder I made where a "SDK" folder with the "RPH2" dll was there.

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3 hours ago, Marco Contaldo said:

Oh my god, I thought you ment ScriptHook, until I remembered, you dont really need it, the SDK was RagePluginHook2.dll

I only found this out, because I looked at a modding folder I made where a "SDK" folder with the "RPH2" dll was there.


Did removing the SDK fix the issue?

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